Lizzie hearts

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Daughter of the queen of hearts

January 18

Star sign

Powerful qualities
Bold, proud, decisive

Favourite food
Cinnamon oatmeal with mixed berries. Its good for the heart!.

Wonderland is the most nonsensical riddle -tastic, wonderland -iful place ever after, and I miss it dearly.

Parents story
Alice's adventures in wonderland

Duchess swan

Sweet hearts desire
I'm proud of my heritage, through I do wish to be a kinder queen of hearts. All that shouting hurts my throat.

My magic touch
With a flick of the wrist, I build anything you can imagine out of cards.

Storybook romance status
I'll wait until I get back to wonderland to think about that.

Oh curses moment
People take me way to literally. When I yell, off with your head, that's just my wonderland way of saying please and thank you

Favourite subject
Grimnastics. I royally heart conqet. They've even made me captain of the team!.

Least favourite subject
General villainy. Why does everyone think I'm a villain? My destiny is to be a riddle!.

Best friend
Kitty Cheshire and Madeline hatter are the only ones who understand me. Literally.

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