briar beauty

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Daughter of Sleeping Beauty

August 9

Star sign

Powerful qualities
Fun-loving, adventure, spontaneous

Favourite food
Rich milk chocolate

If I'm gonna be catching zs for a hundred years. I gotta live it up now!.

Parents story
The Sleeping Beauty

Ashlynn ella

Secret  heart's desire
Live every day to the fullest!. You never know when you're going to prick your finger and slip into a century -long nap.

My magic touch
I can hear everything for miles and miles, but only when I'm sleeping. And why would  I want to do that when there's so much to live for?.

Storybook romance status
My Prince Charming is 100 years away, so I'm not in a rush to kiss any frogs.

Oh curses moment
I sometimes fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. This gets me in trouble in class all the time.

Favourite subject
Royal student council. From throne -coming to prom, I love planning spellebrations for my friends!.

Least favourite subject
Grimm-nastis. I mean, so we all have to wear the same ugly uniform? Gross!

Best friends forever after
Apple white and Blondie Locke's

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