Raven queen

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Daughter of the evil queen

November 25

Star sign

Powerful qualities
Courageous ,independent, compassionate

Favourite food
Salted caramel it's simply magical

What if I want to choose my own happily ever after

Parents story
Snow White and the seven dwarfs

Apple white

Sweet hearts desire
I just want to be allowed to stay true to myself. Just because I'm not damsel in distress doesn't mean I don't deserve a happily ever after

My magic touch
Like my mom, I can cast spells

Storybook romance status
Try not even looking I have to figure out where my story is heading first!.

Oh curses moment
Unfortunately I can only cast black magic anytime I use my powers for good the spell backfires

Favourite subject
Muse -ic class what you thought only princess get to sing power ballads?.

Least favourite subject
Magicology. So I've got a knack for casting magic. Doesn't mean I have to like it

Best friends forever after
Madeline hatter and cerise hood

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