Chapter 7: Breaking & Entering

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Chapter 7: Breaking & Entering

Never in her wildest dreams, did Dorthey Zara consider returning to her childhood home.

And yet, here she was. Standing at the front gates of Zara manor; Dorthey didn't know if it was the cool night air of St. Petersburg sending chills up her spine, or the possibility of seeing her mother again was just that frightening.

"So," Sam began, his voice quiet, "You actually grew up here?"

Dorthey nodded, taking a deep breath, the corners of her mouth tilted up slightly.

"Sometimes, I find it difficult to believe myself." She said with a light chuckle.

Sam continued to stare at her family home, shaking his head a little, "Wow..."

Dorthey didn't have to ask him about his reaction, based on information Sully had told her about Nathen Drake over the years, Dorthey knew that the Drake brothers spent most of their childhood in an orphanage. A stark comparison to the type of upbringing Dorthey lived.

Taking a deep breath, Dorthey reached down, picking up a worn-down backpack. She had obtained it, along with a pair of baggy jeans, old work boots, and an oversized flannel shirt Sully had on his plane for her to change into. Sam wore a similar get-up, only he didn't have to roll his pants up several times, so he didn't trip on them.

Swing the pack on her shoulder, Dorthey nudged Sam, getting his attention.

"Shall we get a closer look?"

Sam waved his hand forward, "Lead the way, Dot."

Walking along the fence, Dorthey began to feel a case of déjà vu. On more than one occasion, Dorthey had snuck out of her house many of times during her adolescence, mostly as an act of defiance against her mother, but also because she wanted to see if she could get away with it. Turns out, Dorthey had a knack for it.

Rounding the corner of the fence, the structure became stone, which wrapped around the sides and back of the grounds. Dorthey kept walking ahead, her eyes spotting an old tree in the back corner of the yard. As the two thieves approached it, Dorthey pressed a finger to her earpiece.

"Sully? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Dorthey." Sully answered.

Dorthey stopped at the tree, looking up at it with familiarity, "Just wanted to give you a heads up before we head in."

"You sure about this, Dorthey?" Sully asked, sounding concerned, "After all, isn't breaking into your own home a little, well...unnecessarily?"

Dorthey had thought that too. At some point on the flight over, Dorthey had woken up and joined Sully; together, the two began to discuss possible solutions to gaining her grandfather's research. Dorthey had thought long and hard about simply knocking on the door and facing her mother. However, dealing with her seemed to be more work than sneaking in.

Sam immediately volunteered to join Dorthey, a suggestion that Dorthey couldn't help but agree with. After his help in escaping Monaco, Sam had shown Dorthey his capability in this job, and Dorthey knew it would be ridiculous to say otherwise against him. Besides, Sully, bless his heart, was not exactly built for the 'heavy-lifting' anymore, and preferred to stay back as backup.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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