7. Visit A Country

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Finally, all you have to do is save up some money and take a little vacation to a country where they speak that language. As I've said before, don't be afraid to make misstakes. You will always get a new chance so don't give up.

Why should I visit that country?
Because by being forced to speak in that language you will get better at it and get more experienced. Also, who doesn't want to take a little break and explore the world?

Now, I hope this was useful and enjoyable. If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask me. Just to make sure that I don't get any missunderstandings, I'm not a teacher. I just really like languages and different countries. English is not my first language so I'm sure there are a million misstakes in this book. I really hope you learnt something and enjoyed reading this. Good luck on your studying, you can do it! :)

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