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Hoseok was standing outside, waiting for him. Tae had agreed to go to the amusement park with him, and maybe make an attempt at becoming close friends with him. Hoseok had tried really hard to get him to revert to his former self, but to no avail. Taehyung was sure that this amusement park idea was Jimin's final attempt at reaching out to him, this time, as a friend. He would not fail Jiminie. He still loved him, but he knew it was time to move on.

His uncle yelled at him to come back by a particular time, but he didn't pay any attention. He had confronted him about the letters and had received nothing but insult and yelling in return. Apparently, the letters had been kept away for his own good. He hadn't spoken to his uncle or aunt since then.

Flashing Hoseok his famous box smile, Tae yelled a greeting. Hoseok was taken aback, but his face immediately brightened as he replied in kind.

"Yeah. I'm really grateful for you, Hoseok hyung. I know I have been terrible to you, but I have realised my mistake, and am trying my hardest to change."

Hoseok looked at him for a very long time. Then he held out his hand, "So this is the Taehyung Jiminie fell in love with. Nice to finally meet you."

Taehyung's smile brightened as he shook the other's hand. That morning, a new friendship was forged.


It seemed as though everyone had decided to go to the amusement park that morning. Jimin was there with Yoongi, and apparently, Namjoon had bumped into Yoongi's older brother, Seokjin. Tae and Hoseok were slightly suspicious about the latter pair, but decided to confront Namjoon later. Things were a bit awkward between Taehyung and Yoongi, but Tae wanted to mend bonds, and he put his best foot forward. Seeing this, Yoongi too took it as an opportunity to get to know the younger. He wondered why Hoseok had brought him, but that was cleared up when his friend himself pulled him aside and explained the situation to him. It was typical of Hobi to try and cheer up the world.

The six of them decided to spend the day together. They realised that they made a really good team. The day was full of laughter, friendship, fun, and an overlying sense of fondness and reconciliation.

In the midst of their numerous roller coaster rides, Taehyung had a revelation, a moment of epiphany. He realised that he had wasted nearly the entire school year pushing away people, and being depressed about what he had lost. Instead of counting his misfortunes, he should have been counting his blessings. He had had the best childhood anyone could ever have wished for. His parents were extremely loving. They had ensured that he got whatever he wanted, at the same time managing to make him an honest, humble human being.

He had been blessed with an angel. Surely he wasn't a toxic person if he had been blessed with Jimin! Even if it had been for a short time, he had had the honour of calling Jimin his boyfriend. It was due to his own idiocy that their relationship was no longer as it was, but he had got to spend a lot of time with the other boy. He was truly grateful for that.

Right now, surrounded by people he could call good friends, he realised how lucky he actually was. He had been lonely, yes, but he had chosen to remain alone. What had he done to deserve people like Hoseok and Namjoon? Jin was already like a doting older brother to them all. Yoongi was trying his best to open up to him. He gave off this rather odd, but comfortable grandfatherly vibe.

It was the best day Taehyung had had in a long time.


One evening, Taehyung's aunt knocked on his uncle's study door. Something had been off about her nephew's behaviour recently. She knew that he was grieving the loss of his parents, just as she was. She had tried connecting with him, getting him to open up to her, but to no avail. It did not help that her husband was a cruel creature, who refused to give the boy some space, treating him like a robot, devoid of feelings. She had watched as Tae had withdrawn into his shell, becoming a mere shadow of the person everyone loved. She knew she should do something, but she was terrified of her husband. She had suffered his wrath before, and was not willing to subject herself to that again.

Years ago, she had fallen in love with him, and married him, against her parents' wishes. When he revealed his true colours, she had promised to live by her decision as punishment for not obeying her family. She had been a very stubborn and egoistic young lady.

Now, seeing a favourite nephew in the depths despair, her heart had broken into a million pieces, taking along with it, a part of her fear. Yet, she hadn't had the courage to do anything. The last straw was when suddenly, Taehyung had stopped talking to her. Recently, she had realised that she genuinely looked forward to talking to him. She even fancied that talking to him was helping him cope with his tremendous loss. She had no idea what was really going on in school. She secretly loved the idea of Jimin and Tae being together, but her opinion didn't matter. Her husband found it disgusting, so she had to as well.

She stood before the study door for a long time before finally lifting up a clenched fist and knocking.

"Come in!"

She entered fearfully.

"What is it? What do you want?"

She took a deep breath, "Do you know why Tae is not talking to us?"

She deliberately used the nickname. She knew it annoyed him. He frowned at her, but apparently decided to drop the small matter. He gestured to an empty chair beside the burning fireplace, "Sit down."

She did so, but her body language was one of terrified prey, ready to flee at the slightest sign of danger.

"The boy found letters from his parents that I hid from him. They aren't dead. They are just stranded in Cuba, looking for a way to return."

She could not believe her ears. They were alive! They had been alive for all this time and he hadn't thought of even mentioning it to her? The relief, the betrayal, the gratitude, the anger she felt knew no bounds. No wonder Tae had nearly cut them off completely! The poor boy had suffered so much, and now this!

For the first time, she stood up, walked up to her husband, and slapped him across the face. She didn't care about the consequences. She was enraged. She was tired of having to live by his rules. She wanted to strangle him for putting a young child through so much emotional trauma.

She grabbed his face and pushed it upwards, and when he looked into her eyes, his heart quaked.

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