29 August 2001

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Its still weird to think how lonely I felt in America. You know that feeling. When you're thousands of miles away from your best friends in a land where the buildings touch the clouds and everyone's accent means they sound like they're talking martian. Everyone saying "Welcome to America". Honestly couldn't bring myself to say thank you to them.
I hate America. Its too big. Too bright. Too loud. The land of the free had me trapped in a the world of the future. And it wasn't a good feeling.
Still I was living in Brooklyn. Right now we have an apartment on 6th street. Dad said he's going to try and get us somewhere in Manhattan, but I doubt that'll happen. But I  have to be honest the place is cool. Just me and Dad in a Brooklyn apartment should be a dream for most kids. So I'll give it a shot.

The days seem longer in New York, which I guess gives us more time to make ourselves at home. Pictures on walls, TV set up and the jukebox loaded with our favourite music. Yeah, its a good life we live.
Dads got a job on the subway in Manhattan. He says its good money and always busy so be won't lose it as its right by the World Trade Center. I'm kinda jealous. One of my pleasures is architecture and he gets to see those towers and the buildings around it every day. I mean cmon. He said he'd get some good pictures for me.
When I grow up, I think I wanna become an architect or engineer. And walking around Brooklyn one day while Dad was at work made me realize something. New York is a designers playground. So much space and potential for some great buildings. And with Manhattan as inspiration, I couldn't help doing a few sketches. They looked good but it'll never happen. It'd look out of place in Brooklyn but perfect in Manhatten. A skyscraper with a really modern look. The height would never match the current buildings though.
Keep dreaming Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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