Reunions and Revelations

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The laughs and shrieks, giggles and shouts seem to amplify as my eyes flutter open. I am currently surrounded by 100 anxious delinquents, hurtling towards a radiation-soaked planet in a century-year-old tin can.


I groan as the overwhelming pain of a migraine sets in, my head feels as if a boa constrictor is coiling around my temples, and cutting off the remaining blood supply from the rest of my body.


"Looks like our narcoleptic woke up", a familiar voice remarks, I could recognize that voice anywhere.

I whip my head towards the seat next to me, "Finn!" I exclaim gleefully, elated to see my close friend again.

"About time", he teases.

I genuinely laugh, for the first time in a long time. My heart is raw with emotion, overwhelmed by the spontaneous events that took place within the past few hours. I let out a shaky sigh, relieved and hopeful for the future, now with one of my closest friends beside me. Almost feeling like the burden of solving a time-sensitive enigma is miraculously lifted off of my shoulders. However, this rare carefree moment is interrupted by the persistent throbbing of my head.

Finn, familiar with my renown migraines recognizes my pained expression and winces, "Migraine?" he questions.

I simply nod, placing my head into my hands, massaging circular motions into my temples. The dropship tremors, lights flicker, and screams erupt. Must be the atmosphere, I note.

Suddenly a screen flickers on, displaying the Ark's beloved Thelonius Jaha staring down upon us literally and figuratively.

"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Your dad's a dick Wells!" shouts a miscreant. And I couldn't help but agree, although Thelonius has never directly harmed me, his ignorance of the less fortunate's needs never fails to do so all the same.

"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean."

My attention strays towards Wells who's seated next to Clarke, the image of her falling limp in Abby's arms flashes before my eyes. "Damn, those kids are dim," I grimly remark to Finn, gesturing towards the privileged compeers, "they just strutted through the gates of hell."

This seems to spark Finn's interest, "Hold up! That's Clarke Griffin? Solitary confinement mystery girl?

"Simmer down, Sherlock, we don't want you cracking the case too soon," I reply with a smirk.

Subsequently, Finn begins to unbuckle his safety straps with haste. I quickly catch on and slap his face with unwavering composure. "What the hell was that for?!" he exclaims.

"We are currently hurtling through the Stratosphere, which is approximately 160,000 feet above the crust of the earth," I blatantly reply.


"Newton's laws of motion?"

"Stell, English, please."

"Right...In simple words, if you're still floating by the time we reach the ground, the infamous Skywalker will need a calcium blocker, got it?!" I exclaim.

Finn scrunched his eyebrows, a mixture of confusion, amusement, and ecstasy plastered his face, a recipe for disaster. "You know you still gotta work on that Stell, I mean I know you were away from plenty of human interactions in solitary confinement and all, but communication is crucial," Finn jestingly advised slowly unbuckling himself from his seat and floating away.

"Finn I will kill you!" I exclaim, yet the Skywalker completely ignores my daunting threats, "Right after Raven kills me," I mutter to myself. Mentioning my other best friend seems to tug at my heart, she must be out of her mind in worry.

"The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war..."

Static crackles and the screen which was projecting our beloved chancellor is momentarily permeated by vibrant pixels. I gasp, this system failure would have lifted my spirits (Jaha's face isn't necessarily the last thing I want to see before I possibly die) if not for the underlying risk in losing communication with the Ark, if we truly are disconnected from the Ark we are stupendously screwed, just like Finn previously said 'communication is crucial'.  Thankfully, the screen flicker back on, and Jaha's recorded instruction tape perseveres, recovering from its hiccup.

"was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years."

Soon Finn is parading the dropship, greeting the delinquents like a freaking celebrity.

Shouts of encouragement and praise clamor within the tin walls of the dropship.

"space bandit strikes again! wwhhooooo!"

"Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately."

I grow more pathetic by the hour, I reason with myself. First, I can't save the Ark, and now my efforts in saving my best friend prove to be completely useless.

"Your one responsibility is to stay alive."

Ironically, that's the last sentence I heard before this century-old tin can underwent total system failure.



Hey, it's the author here. It's been a blast writing this, but I'm pretty busy. If I don't have readers who truly want me to pursue this, I'm not sure  I will.

  Should I continue?


Alexander Daddario or Megan Fox as Stella Knight?

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