Heathens with Secrets

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Euphoria exudes from the hundred, hollers and shouts of triumph echo as we stampede the clearing surrounded by greenery, indulging ourselves in its treasures we were so long deprived of.

I feel the sun kissing my skin, the sensation is ineffable, and causes me to giggle with pure rapture. My gaze explores my surroundings, I venture towards a tree and carefully detach a leave from its branch. I examine the epidermis, trying to identify the differences between a living plant on earth compared to our single treasured tree in the Ark. The most evident distinction in appearance was the color of the leaf, so vibrant, I've never seen anything like it. It is visible to the plain eye that photosynthesis on earth is chemically initiated by natural sunlight causing the chloroplasts to produce a more-


Startled by the familiar yet distant nickname, I drop the leaf from my hand and it spirals downwards returning to the soil. I raise my head to see the only person who calls me by that despised epithet. He strides towards me confidently, his broad shoulders taut with an air of superiority, he possesses the same natural tan which seemed to glow now in the presence of the sun, the same freckles scattered like constellations across the bridge of his nose, the same dark arcane eyes and ebony locks of hair uncharacteristically brushed back neatly. He appeared the same, yet his presence felt different, we were both different, and we'll never be the same. The experiences we have divergently overcome in the past year have been mind-altering, to say the least. When he finally reaches me, I notice how he doesn't tower over me anymore, yet he still holds a few inches on me, his eyes hold an expression of amusement and the threat of a rare smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.

"Still has her head in the skies, I see," he teases.


Catching the gravity of my voice, he swiftly shifts gears, acknowledging that he won't be able to charm his way with me.

"We need to talk," he states soberly, he wraps his hand around my wrist and gently tugs it, unleashing a flood of memories with the single gesture, he directs us towards a congregation of trees which isolate us from the rest of the celebrating juveniles.

"Why are you here, Bellamy?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same question, the Stella Knight I know is a pair of goody-two-shoes, who would never dare to rebel against authority," Bellamy mocks, subtly trying to avoid my interrogation.

"You still haven't answered my question," I reply demanding an answer.

"Neither have you," he raised his eyebrows opposingly.

It infuriates me, the way he treats me, always playing games, I feel like we're classmates again.

"I don't think you realize that I'm the one who has the advantage here, I know you smuggled your way down here with an accomplice might I add," I convey, my patience running low.

Bellamy's flippant attitude diminishes as he accepts his defeat, "Touché," he scans the surrounding area for any unwelcome listeners, "leaving the ark wasn't a one-man job," he admits.

"Who was it? Who would be willing to risk it?" I eagerly inquire.

"Either someone extremely desperate or powerful...maybe both," Bellamy replies in a nebulous manner, intentionally leaving me to scramble for answers.

"And how does a subordinate factory boy fit into all of this?"

Bellamy, too familiar with my jibes takes no offense and ignores them, "I was offered a gig in exchange for safe passage," he reveals.

"Bellamy what did you do?"

My vexation causes a smile to crack on his face, "Nothing you need to worry about, Stargirl," he says with a wink, then he leisurely turns on his heel and starts heading back.

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