Story 2: After An Evening Of Smooth Jazz

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Idk about this one, I just enjoy writing about the banter they all have and including the reader in it tbh. I hate the title by the way but I couldn't think of anything else.

It wasn't Christmas, it wasn't New Years, it wasn't anyone's birthday and it wasn't even a party.

It was simply a gathering; a riotous one, that began after a soothing evening of smooth Jazz...

~ T I M E S K I P ~

"Alright then guys...", you sigh as you pack your guitar back into its case, Klavier Gavin watching your every move.


That particular outburst had been Athena Cykes, wobbling on the chair in the corner of the hotel room whilst waving her arms about. Phoenix Wright cast a concerned glance but made no effort to assist while Apollo Justice simply cast a condescending one.

"Cheers again", Clay Terran nudged your elbow, "that was on behalf of Godot and the others that crashed out in the bathroom..." He giggled as he spoke.

"Man, already?!" you reply.

"Well he did do an entire evening of sax with you and the others...", Clay began to explain Godot's case but Klavier stepped in.

"Ah, he just doesn't have your stamina fraulein...", he looked you up and down, "seems like you have very good stamina."

He winked at you before moving on, lager in hand.

"Jesus...", Clay stared at him walking away.

"Oh well, he's full of himself, someone else will probably be full of him by the end of tonight's their problem now."

You catch eyes and Clay snorts into his drink while you continue to laugh at the both of them.

"S-so..ahem..where's Franz?", you inquire after the only other female that shares your dry and sadistic sense of humor.

"Heh, bathroom too..." Clay motions to the en-suite.

"She crashed too?! But Franziska's--"

"Nah, she's taking a bath."

"Ah..of course.."

You nod slowly, marvelling at the fact that you've been here for 3 days yet somebody who comes solely to get completely wasted in your room for 2 hours has a bath before you.

"Alright well, see you Clay!"

"See ya!", and with a small wave, he dives of into the crowd of people milling in your hotel room.



"Can you move this Godot please?"

"I'm in the bath you foolish fool!"

"Oh fuck off, he's too wasted to care -- he's in there with you anyway!"

"In the bath?!"

"No! Of course not! You're just as wasted as him -- sure you haven't drowned?"

The door opens just enough for you to get in the room without hitting Godot in the head and you slip inside.

The bathroom is completely white-tiled with a large bath tub and shower, complete with a vast mirror in front of a sink with complimentary shampoos stacked around the edges. The steam clouds your vision but you can just see enough to step over Godot who's sprawled across the floor and sit on the edge of the bath, talking with Franziska.

"I have never had a bath with so many bubbles..."

Franziska Von Karma was beginning to tire herself out; the steam, the drinks and the music had all started to get to her.

"Uh, yeah just keep your head above the water?" you raise an eyebrow as she sinks into the bubbles.

"Oh fuck off, if this doesn't kill me then those 'cinnamon sticks' Daryan and Klavier bought will..."

"Oh boy they weren't cinnamon sticks Franz..they were not cinnamon.."

She raises a thin eyebrow and a smirk creeps along her lips.

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