Story 3: The Lounge Bar

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Finally, this one is imagining (you) have been college friends with 'the others' Clay, Klavier, Daryan (wow look at me sneaking music in again hah) and you've flown out to New York and will catch up on each other's lives over some lovely Jazz.



"Hurry the hell up!"

"I'm hurrying you fool..."

~ T I M E S K I P ~

You walked through the glass doors and were instantly greeted by a gentle wave of smooth jazz, radiating from the live band seated upon the small stage. The warm golden light of the lounge set you at ease and illuminated your sleek, rouge dress. It had an elegant slit up the side to thigh height and a balcony design across the shoulders.

"Franz..", you cast a glance over at the prosecutor. She was 20 years old, (a year older than you), and was currently your roommate in your flat, an extremely tidy one at that. Her hair was styled in a bob and was a rusted-copper turquoise colour that stood out perfectly against her black silk dress.

"We're really here...", Franziska breathed the words in awe.

The both of you had flown out from your residence in London to the United States in order to meet up with your college friends. You in particular had always wanted to travel to America as you were particularly interested in its musical history, therefore you were thrilled when one of your college friends had suggested to meet at the renowned 'New York Jazz Lounge'.

You looked around at the numerous wine bottles and glasses stacked up behind the bar, the plush couches and even the shine on the surface of the luxury Bösendorfer piano being played at that very moment.

Franziska tapped you on the arm, tearing your gaze away from the band.

"Look! There they are!"

You followed her outstretched arm and saw seven figures seated in the couches that were cozied in the corner. The figures were all madly waving back while one madly pointed at the piano on stage. You smiled to yourself, there was only one person that could be.

You and Franziska advanced towards them, walking past the large bay windows that lined the wall and gave a striking and spectacular birds-eye view of the city.

New York had really lived up to your expectations and was a dazzling place to explore at night. In fact, you and Franziska had taken it upon yourselves to sleep late into the day and then wake at dusk to take long late night walks out in the city. You had visited Central Park, the numbing night air creeping under your coats; The Empire State Building, shielding each other from the breeze as you pointed out expensive-looking places and finally done hours worth of window shopping.

Now as you neared your friends, their voices came into earshot and morphed into memories. These whipped your mind back to the UK and your home city of Bath.

This is where you had all attended college, spent numerous summers relaxing on campus, visited each other's dorms after hours, studied in the nearby parks and used the early hours before lessons to write songs in the studio.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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