Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Violet! Wake up!" My aunt called from downstairs. "ugh.." I replied as I pulled myself out of bed. My name is Violet Wells, and today is the first day of school. I stood up and grabbed a purple tank top shirt decorated with a logo of my favorite band, Rebel Souls. I then grabbed some denim shorts and ran into the bathroom to change. When I was done, I picked up the straightener and began straightening my long wavy brown hair. I put on some mascara, said goodbye to my aunt, and headed out the door. I could grab an apple or something for breakfast at school. As I was walking to the bus stop, I looked back at my house. It was a medium- sized mediteranian style house with flowers and bushes growing in the front yard. "Well, goodbye home, hello freshman year", I thought to myself.

The bus had just pulled up to the corner. I climbed on and noticed Amber and Lenora sitting in the back row, and sighed to myself. I had hoped that they would have been going to a different high school than me, but I just couldn't shake them. Those two girls had been teasing me a lot last year, and Amber just couldn't stop rubbing it in my face that my ex-boyfriend, Shane, had asked her out soon after he broke up with me. Lenora could be nice sometimes, but only if it meant something in return for herself. Shane was sitting in front of them, turned around in his seat so he could easily talk to them. I sighed again in disdain, and tried to find a seat before they spotted me. I spotted a seat in the middle row and made a break for it, but it was far too late. "Hey Violet, how have you been over the summer? Lenora and I have been missing you," Amber said with a smirk on her face as she tossed her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. " Sorry Amber, I can't talk right now.." I told her. "Well, we will be seeing you very soon then." She said sneakily. I knew she and Lenora had something planned for later, I would have to keep an eye on them. I scanned the isles for an empty seat and saw one beside a boy I had never seen before. I walked over to the seat, "Is it ok if I sit here?" I asked. "Yeah, of course," he replied. I sat down next to him. "What's your name? I'm Trevor." He told me. He was really cute. "I'm Violet." I said. "It's good to meet you." We talked for a while, sharing stories of our past, talking about our opinions on things. We were quickly becoming friends. I was glad that I finally had someone to talk to, i've never had a lot of friends, except for when I was in elementary school. I only really had one friend in junior high (Zoe my bestie), but she was going to a different high school than me. Junior high was hell to me, I'm glad to be out of there. As the bus pulled up to the school, Trevor and I said goodbye and agreed to meet after school by the football field. I stood in front of the school, feeling slightly intimidated. The huge school loomed over me. I felt someone push me and suddenly I was falling, right into the mud puddle beside me! Splat. My shirt had mud all over it. I looked up to see who had pushed me and saw Amber and Lenora staring down at me. "Go away!" I yelled at them, tears streaming down my face. All Amber said was, "Meet me after school by science class," and they joined Shane. I ran to the bathroom to attempt to wash the mud from my shirt.

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