Chapter 3

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I layed on my back on the grass looking up at the stars. It was a little bit traumatizing, what happened earlier today. I can't believe that Amber, Lenora, and Shane would go so far just to make me miserable. What's up with them? I mean, sure, we have a bit of a history, but I just can't believe that they still hate my guts even after a whole summer of not seeing me. I started to grow drowsy and quickly drifted off to sleep..........

"Hey, come back here girfriend!" Amber yelled to me from a little farther down the beach. "Coming!" I shouted back. I was so excited to be here at the beach today! It was the day after my 11th birthday and my parents had let us take a vacation to Hawaii with a friend for my birthday. I ran over to Amber, grabbed her hand, and we screamed and jumped into the water at the same time. Wow! I was expecting it to be cold, but it was actually pretty warm! Amber and I swam back to shore and sat on the sand side by side. "Do you think we will always be best friends?" I asked Amber. "Of course!!" She said, "Why wouldn't we be?" We sat in silence for a second and looked at each other, and then burst out laughing. Why was this so funny? I have no clue. We walked up to our little beach house that us and my parents were staying in, and each grabbed a cup of punch. we walked back outside and sat down on the warm sand. "This vacation is so fun!" I said after taking a big gulp of punch. "Yeah, this is definetely the best vacation I have ever been on!" Amber replied. "Hey, wanna play truth or dare?" She asked. "I always do!" I replied. So we got comfortable and then I asked first.

"Truth or Dare?"


"Ok, I dare you to jump in the water and then roll around in the sand so it sticks all over you!" I said.

Amber dramatically dived into the water, and swam around for a second, and then ran out and fell onto the sand, rolling herself kinda like a taco in the tiny grains. She ran back and sat down, spitting sand out of her mouth. "Haha, you look silly!" I said, and she sighed dramatically. "Haha, okay truth or dare."

"Truth," I said enthusiatstically.

"Ok... Who do you like and why?" she said. Now it was my turn to sigh. Leave it to Amber to ask a 'who do you like' question. "Fine.. I like Shane cuz he's cute and he's always extra nice to me, and I think he's trying to impress me a bit." I said. "Oooooooh! Violet and shane sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Haha just kidding sorry. But you're right! I think he might like you too!" She said happily but I thought I detected a hint of jealosy in her voice. Maybe not, I Don't know. "Thanks! I said. I was happy that Amber thought he liked me back, and Amber usually knows these kinds of things.

My dream changed, it was a few months after the trip to hawaii, in December.

"Bye sweetie! I love you so so much!" My mother said. She and Daddy were leaving for a buisiness trip, and their flight was leaving in 15 minutes. It was a couple weeks until Christmas, and I was super excited for it to be here! I was sad that my parents were leaving for a bit, but they were going to be back on Chrismas day, so it would be ok and I wouldn't miss out on seeing the people I loved more than anything on Chrismas. My parents both believed in being there for their child on the holidays. "Bye Daddy! I love you!" I said to my dad. "Bye mom, I love you too!" I said to my mom. both my parents replied with an "I love you and I will miss you so much!" and came and gave me a kiss on the forehead, first my dad, and then my mom. "You better hurry your asses! The flight is leaving right now!" The flight attendant said, clearly annoyed. My parents blew me a kiss goodbye and walked to the hallway that led to the plane. I was staying with my aunt while my parents were gone, she was the closest relative to me other than them. We walked to the car and drove back home, happily singing along to the radio.

"It's Christmas morning!" I shouted. My dream had advanced a few weeks and it was now christmas day! I was so excited to see my parents! They would be back in just an hour or so! I was going to give them such a big hug! I walked down the stairs and sat on the last step, the one closest to the entryway of the house. I got up and looked out the window, it was snowing! It was such a magical moment, and in just a little while, that front door was going to swing open and my parents would walk in! I sat by the window for a few more minutes and then walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I could hear my aunt from here, she was talking on the phone. I wonder who she is talking to. suddenly she stops mid word, and silences. She has a few tears running down her face, and very, very slowly, she sets the landline phone back into its holder, it clicks. She now has a very heavy stream of tears running down her face. "Violet, honey, come here." She croaks. I cautiously walk over to her. What could have happened? Is she worried there aren't enough presents for everyone? "I have some really bad news sweetie." I must have been right. that was pretty bad news, I guess, but she shouldn't fret about it that much. "Honey, that plane that your parents were in....... It c-c-crashed i-i-in t-the o-ocean. They-y a-aren't coming home." The realization of this hit me with such force it felt like a tsunami had crashed on my head. Time stood still when I ran away. I ran out the front door and just kept running. All I was in was my pajamas and slippers, and the light snowfall from before had turned into a huge blizzard. I ran into the street and a car honked and almost hit me, but I couldn't hear it, I just kept running and running until I got to the little park where my parents would always take me, and attempted to sit on the swing, but I was too hysterical and slipped and fell off onto the snow. It was so cold, but I didn't care. I layed there in the ice and snow until I passed out from the cold.

My phone buzzed and I woke up. I had a few tears running down my face, from when I was in my nightmare. my brain had reanacted the whole scene of how I found out my parents were dead. After my parents died, Amber stopped hanging out with me. She couldn't deal with my depression, and she started to hang out with other people, more popular people than me. They had a habit of teasing me, saying things like "Oh, chin up! Isn't that what parents tell us to do? Oh wait, nevermind. I forgot your parents weren't ever there to teach you anything." Or other, meaner things. They converted Amber. They turned her into a plastic. (yes I just used a mean girls reference) They were all plastics. Amber befriended Lenora first, while I was dealing with my depression, and they became best friends. I met Zoe pretty soon after that, she was a new student. I picked up my phone and it was a text from Trevor.

Trevor: Hey, I can't sleep. wanna meet by the school?

It was 11:00 pm.

Me: Yeah, I'll be there. Just give me 15 minutes to get there

Trevor: All right I will wait for you by the football field again.

Me: K

I ran inside the house and left a note for my aunt, she was sleeping. I grabbed a pullover hoodie from my closet and slipped my phone in my pocket and headed out the door.

I spotted Trevor as soon as I aproached the school. I ran over to him and we pulled each other into a hug. We haven't known each other very long but it feels like we have known each other for eternity. "I have to tell you about some things, but you have to promise not to treat me differently or give me sympathy, ok?" I told him. "Ok I promise," Trevor said, with a serious expression. And with that I told him basically my whole life story, I told him about how me and Amber were best friends once, and about how my parents died, and then how I was teased by Amber and the rest of the school, except for Zoe. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, and I was surprised to see that they were brimming with tears. "Trevor please, it's all in the past now. I haven't forgotten about my parents or anything, but please don't cry." He took a breath. "I'm sorry Violet. I shouldn't be reacting so much towards this, but you.. you have had so much pain in your life, and I can't stand that. I don't want you to need to be sad, ever. And I mean that's a crazy thought and I know its impossible for someone to be happy all of the time, but- " I cut him off and embraced him in a hug. It felt so good. I inhaled his scent and instantly felt amazing. "Trevor, how are you so perfect?" I asked him, once we had pulled apart. "Violet Wells, I am not perfect in any way. Any at all. You, you are the perfect one here!" He said with a smirk on his face. Oh god, he was so hot. He couldn't know I thought that though. He might fade away, and I just can't have that happen. He is probably the best thing in my life right now and I can't let him slip away. We talked until probably about 1 am, and then he walked me home on his way to his house. We said goodnight, and then sadly we had to part once more.

I hope you guys liked that chapter! I am getting a lot more reads than I expected, thanks for reading! Can we get 20 reads on this chapter for next update? I think so. Please keep reading the story and let me know if you have anything in mind for something big to happen next chapter. I will read all comments! :D byyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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