Chapter 5

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*Amber's pov*

"Well Violet certainly won't be hanging out with Trevor anymore," I chuckled.

"Great. What did you do?" Shane asked me, curious about my ingenious plan.

"I was running after Trevor, who was trying to avoid me, but eventually he just gave up and let me walk beside him. I told him that we would make a good couple and he should dump Violet and that she wasn't right for him, I was hoping that he would be unfaithful on his own and make her miserable, but he just wouldn't budge. we kept walking, and I happened to see Violet from the end of the hall. Trevor was talking to me, I wasn't listening to what he was saying but I got a brilliant idea so I smiled, turned to him, and kissed him right when Violet was watching. She was devastated, of course, and ran right up to Trevor and started yelling at him." I smiled as I retold the story.

"You.... Kissed him?" Shane asked with obvious pain in his voice. His face showed emotions, but his eyes were filled with no pain.

"It didn't mean anything, and we both know how you're still in love with her, so don't act so hurt!" I snapped.

"I just still can't believe how you had the nerve to make me break up with her, and how you make me bully her almost every day," he said, his voice cracking slightly. His eyes were filled with real pain now.

I remember the day that I broke them up. I was (and still am) the queen bee of the school, and I had a crush on Shane. I wanted to be with him desperately, but he was in love with Violet, which is one of the reasons I hate her to this day. I had threatened Shane that if he didn't break up with her and get with me, then I would spread ugly rumors about her throughout the school. Shane knew my capabilities, even back then. So he agreed that if I never spread those awful lies around the school, then he would break up with her and be with me. I always get what I want.

"I did what I had to do." I said. Lenora didn't know anything about this. She believed that he loved me, which was good because I don't need anybody knowing about this, even my best friend. Violet still had no idea. She believed Shane was a backstabbing cheater since he was with me basically as soon as he broke up with her. This breaks Shane every single day. He is so in love with her, and he can't do anything about it. I won't let him. And he had to see her constantly with Trevor, and I was actually starting to feel bad for him, but now he won't have to worry about that anymore.

"Now tell me you love me," I demanded.

He stared at the ground, no words escaping his lips.

"That's what I thought." I sighed.

*Violet's pov*

"Hey Trev, wanna go to the beach?" I asked.

"This late?" He asked. I looked at my phone.

"It's only six. C'mon, it'll be fun!"

"Ok, fine! But I'm gonna throw you in the water!" He exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"Only if you catch me!" I yelled, taking off. The beach was only a few blocks away from my house, I could make it there before him.

I ran all the way to the beach, where I made my worst mistake. I looked back, stopping for just a second, and I saw a very surprised/scared looking Trevor behind me as he ran right into me, knocking both of us down. We colapsed and started laughing hysterically.

"Well I guess this means you won't be throwing me in the water?" I gasped between laughs.

"Don't be too sure!" Trevor laughed as he picked me up, running to the water.

"Eeeek!!" I screamed as he attempted to toss me in the water. But I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, which resulted in both of us falling. When we both surfaced, I looked at Trevor, who had a smirk on his face. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck again.

"Carry me home?" I asked, with puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, fine." Trevor laughed.


I awoke the next day feeling ecstatic. Yesterday was probably the best day of my life. I stood up, getting dressed quickly and headed downstairs.

"Hi Violet! You were home late last night, where were you?" My aunt asked.

"Just hanging out with Trevor. We went to the beach." I said as I grabbed my bagel and headed out the door. "Bye!" I shouted.

"Have a great day at school!" My aunt shouted back. I was lucky to have such a great aunt. She wasn't very protective of me, not in a bad way, but she never asked me to share information with her that I didn't want to, or try to plan out my life for me. She is always there for me, and expects the very best out of me, but still allows me to have freedom in my life and choices. I know a girl at my school who isn't allowed to go out with friends on weekdays, and her parents hardly give her any freedom.

The bus pulls up, and I get on, quickly spotting Trevor. We smile at each other and I go over to sit by him.

*Amber's pov*

There she is, I thought as Violet got on the bus. "Watch." I told Lenora and Shane. But Violet just smiled at Trevor and sat by him. "Umm.. That wasn't what was supposed to happen." I said as all three of us watched them.

"Guess your plan didn't work." Lenora told me.

"My plans always work!" I snapped.

"Well then what's going on?" Shane asked.

"I have no idea. I guess they made up." I said, sighing.

We got to school and everyone piled out of the bus. Trevor and Violet were walking toward the school, hand in hand. I suppose they are dating now.

"We should invite some more people into our group." I said.

"Why?" Lenora asked.

"I think it will help with my plan. The more people we have on our side, the easier it will be to humiliate Violet. More people equals more ideas and more power." I said.

"You have a point. Maybe we should invite Ethan?" Lenora said.

"Good idea. He's popular, and he's pretty hot too," I said, raising my eyebrow at Lenora.

"Oh, come on! You know I don't like him like that." Lenora said.

"Well he could take your mind off of who you do like."

"True." She said.

Fall in Love (a Trevor Moran and O2L fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now