Chapter 2

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The doors slammed shut. Hamilton rolled his eyes and slowly turned to see Jefferson approaching him with a bounce in his step. How he hated how that cocky son of a bitch walked. Arrogant asshole acted like he was all that. Hamilton sighed, facing back to Washington as Jefferson stepped up beside him. Washington cleared his throat then pulled a few papers out.

"Greetings gentlemen. Good to see you here. But, skip the pleasantries and conversations. The issue on the table: a petition from a Quaker delegation in Philadelphia calling on Congress to end the African slave trade and abolish slavery, in all its forms." Washington paused, taking glances at Hamilton and then Jefferson before continuing. "This petition was written and signed by Benjamin Franklin; it cannot go ignored. If this comes to a vote in Congress, what is the White House's position?" He paused once again before looking right at Jefferson. " Secretary Jefferson, you first. Tread lightly.​"

Jefferson nodded, stepping up a bit more before clearing his throat.

"Sir. The constitution clearly states that the states have to wait until eighteen-oh-eight to debate on whether to end the slave trade.​ And whether or not you want it, guys, that is the final compromise we made.​" Jefferson said, a few swift hand motions coming from him as Hamilton cut him off.

"Sir wait-" Hamilton started as Washington glared, immediately holding his hand up and silencing him.

"But for a second, let us say that we can legislate unanimous emancipation. Freedom reigns, and yes, it's great.​ We cannot cure prejudice or righteous, desperate hate so back to Africa or do they get a separate state? In 1784, I tried to float banning slavery in the West.​ My notion didn't get a single vote.​ Slavery's a sin. It's growing like a cancer, but we can't address a question if we do not have an answer." Jefferson finished off, adjusting his suit as he sneered at Hamilton out of the corner of my eye.

"Is it my turn?" Hamilton asked, getting a nod from Washington. "Good. Plantation states are packed with promise makers. Do you realize the precious time these legislators wasted?Institutionalizing slavery only multiplies our troubles, wait till the 1800s, and their population doubles. You all know this is the stain on our soul and democracy. A land of the free? No, it's not. It's hypocrisy to subjugate, dehumanize a race, call 'em property, and say that we are powerless to stop it. Can you not foresee? Sir, even you, you have hundreds of slaves whose descendants will curse our names when we're safe in our graves. How will the South find labor for its businesses? How will Thomas Jefferson find his next mistresses?" Hamilton sneered deviously at Jefferson.

"How DARE you!" Jefferson snarled through gritted teeth as he forced himself back from attacking Hamilton.

"Yet still, people follow like lemmings. All your hemming and hawing, while you're hee-hawing with Sally Hemings." Hamilton said, furrowing his eyebrows towards Jefferson as he made sexual hand gestures at him.

"That's ENOUGH." Washington raised his voice, standing up and glaring. Thomas glared icy daggers towards Hamilton and leaned in closely, grabbing him by his collar and whispering with venom in his voice.

"I'd stop talking if I were you right now, Hamilton. Unless you wish to get on the topic of that little incident of yours... HM?" Jefferson whispered harshly and a bit angrily. Hamilton returned the sinister glare.

"Yeah..." He started to whisper back. "And let's not forget how..." he started to raise his voice. "...YOU WERE DISOWNED BY YOUR OWN MOTHERFUCKING FATHER." He shouted in Jefferson's face.

Everyone fell silent as Jefferson's expression went into an icy deadly look. Yet in his eyes, there was hurt. He pulled Hamilton closer, his grip getting tighter.

"Give me ONE fucking excuse as to why I shouldn't kill you right here and RIGHT NOW." Jefferson growled right into Hamilton's face. Hamilton raised his hand before throwing a swift blow to Jefferson's face. Jefferson dropped him, wiping the blood off his face. Washington stepped in, pulling Jefferson back. Madison yanked Hamilton back.

"Secretary Jefferson! Secretary Hamilton! That is ENOUGH. Both of you go cool down. We will reschedule this tomorrow." Washington said, an angry look on his face. Jefferson growled, jerking away from Washington and leaving the room in a fury. Hamilton huffed leaving before going in a different direction. Madison looked at Washington who looked back down at him. "Go see where Jefferson has gone off to...." He said with a sigh before going to sit down and setting his head in his hands.

Madison nodded, leaving the room and letting the doors close behind him. He looked around, thinking it couldn't be that hard to find Jefferson. He looked around the hallways, seeing Hamilton in one of them talking to someone. Out of curiosity, he quietly crept towards Hamilton and the figure, staying as quiet and as hidden as he could. He then began to listen.

"Alex, don't let Jefferson get to you... He's just an asshole. Just focus on me, darlin'." Spoke the male voice. Madison furrowed his brows, trying to figure out who the hell that was. He sighed, deciding to keep listening.

"I know but just.... Goddammit... There are just times he gets so fucking annoying.... I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have you...." Hamilton said, seeming to caress the figures cheek. The figure revealed a hand which he put on Hamilton's face. It was covered in freckles.

"I know... But just know one thing... I love you Alexander Hamilton... Never forget that." The voice said calmly as Hamilton smiled.

"I love you too John Laurens...." He said. Madison's eyes widened as he backed up, quickly and quietly scurried away as quickly as he could. 

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