Chapter 4

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Madison blushed and internally cursed at himself. Jefferson cocked his head, his eyes still wide. Madison then went to turn to start leaving.

"W-Well! L-let's go find Burr, yes?" He stuttered, earning a slight chuckle from Jefferson. The two walked in silence, Madison feeling utterly stupid for rambling like he did. Jefferson looked down at him, noticing Madison's change in demeanor. He decided not to push it, waiting until Madison was comfortable enough to speak.

"Mr. Jefferson! Mr. Madison!" A voice called, making Madison jump a bit. They looked over as they saw Burr. Thomas grinned deviously.

"Ahhh, Aaron Burr, just the man we were looking for!" Thomas said as Burr blinked in confusion.

"Um... Sir? What am I needed for?" He asked a bit nervously. Thomas shifted forward, putting an arm around Burr and grinning. Burr shifted uncomfortably, getting a bad feeling about this. "Did I do something wrong, Mr. Jefferson?" He asked. Thomas shook his head, patting Burr's head.

"Of course not! But we know someone who is hiding something from us all! A Mr. Alexander Hamilton, that is!" Burr's eyes widened, leaning in as if asking what about. Jefferson grinned more before pointing to Madison. "Weellll~! Thanks to my dear friend, James, we have some dirt on Hamilton now. Apparently he was having a conversation with a Mr. John Laurens. So that whole Laurens dying incident? That never happened because he never died!" Jefferson laughed. Burr stared in shock.

"But... how..? Laurens' father had wrote a letter to myself, Mulligan, Lafayette, and.... Hamilton..." He thought. "We need to confront him." He stated, earning a rapid nod from Jefferson.

"I agree! Let's let him know what we know!" He said, taking Madison, picking him up, and dragging Burr to Hamilton's office door. Jefferson set Madison down. He then walked in with a slight bounce in his step. Hamilton looked up, furrowing his brows.

"Mr. Vice President..." He stopped seeing Madison walk in shortly after. "Mr. Madison." Following Madison, was Aaron Burr. "Senator Burr." He furrowed his brows more. "What is this?" He slightly growled, standing up a little. Jefferson got in Hamilton's face.

"We know, motherfucker." He grinned darkly. "You can't hide your little secret anymore, Hamilton."

Hamilton shifted back as he scoffed. He crossed his arms, fully standing, being an inch shorter than Madison and Burr.

"Yeah? And what would THAT be, jackass?" He asked, a flat look on his face. Before he could reply, Madison stepped up.

"John Laurens." He said simply causing Hamilton's eyes to widen as he shifted glances. Jefferson sneered.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Hamilton asked, seeming nervous. "He died a while back." Hamilton snapped. Jefferson grinned more.

"See... You say that now. But if he's dead, then how did Madison overhear you and Laurens talking about your UNDYING love? HM~?" Jefferson asked with a shit-eating grin.

Hamilton stared, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled, shaking his head. Burr furrowed his brows slightly. Madison blinked, his eyebrows furrowing too. Jefferson, however, looked annoyed at the chuckling.

You're Stuck With Me - JeffMads Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang