Chapter 5

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James stood there, his face a deep crimson. Thomas, Hamilton, and Burr stopped to turn to see James looking absolutely embarrassed. 

"Uh........." He began. " s-see...." He stuttered. "I-I...u-uh.....g-gotta go! Y-yeah! I gotta..uh.. Go! Bye gentlemen!" James said, scurrying out of the room.

Hamilton, Burr, and Laurens looked at Thomas. Laurens poked him. "Well? You gonna go after him?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Thomas looked at Laurens.

"W-whaaaat?? I-I d-don't.... I-I'm n-not g-gay...." He lied. John smirked, starting to chuckled.

"Thomas, you saying you're not gay is like me saying I would fuck a chick. That is a damn lie." He laughed. Thomas blushed as Hamilton held back his laughter. Laurens slightly elbowed Alex. "Alex!" He scolded, stopping and looking at Thomas. "How do you feel about James, Thomas?" Laurens asked with sincerity.

"W-well.. H-he's.." He stuttered. "H-he's small, a-and r-really shy a-and nice. I l-love it w-when he g-gets cold a-and uses m-my overcoat.... And I think it's really adorable when he wraps himself in blankets when he's sick... ANd I like how he follows me around because he is super close to me... And... I love his eyes.... I love the sound of his voice... I love his features.... A-and I love....everything about him... And.... Oh fuck.... I-I think I'm in love...." He said.

"Yep, that's what I thought." Laurens said, his hip cocked to the side with one of his hands on it. "Now, I will ask again.... Are you going to go after him? Or are you going to let him think you have no feelings towards him and let him wallow in his sadness?" He asked.

"....Damn John..." Alex said, blinking. "A bit blunt.." He chuckled. John shrugged.

"He needed to hear it." John shrugged. Thomas stopped, turning around.

"But... Isn't that frowned upon? I-I wouldn't care if we were together but I don't want people going after him and harassing him.." He said.

"Thomas, if you truly love him, tell him. Tell him everything you feel and don't leave out a single detail. He needs to hear this from you. He truly does." John said, having a serious look on his face, putting his arm around Alex's waist. "It might be frowned upon to others but love is love. And if you truly love James, go tell him. Don't let what others think flood your senses and stop you from being with the person you truly love." He said.

"...I gotta go find James...." Thomas said before suddenly turning and leaving the room. Burr turned to Alex and John.

"How many people here are actually gay?" He asked. John laughed before casually listing them off.

"Me, Alex, Lafayette, Hercules, Eliza, Peggy, Maria, Charles Lee, Samuel Seabury, King George III, Washington, and now Thomas and James." He said, smirking. Burr blinked, going to speak but keeping quiet.

"......I'm straight..." He said. John smirked, sitting on the desk once again, slightly swinging his legs.

"We can tell. No gay male can change the love you have for Theodosia." He chuckled. Alex and Burr laughed along, nodding in agreement.


Thomas rushed around the corner, passing the door to outside, stopping suddenly. He turned, seeing James leaning against the door frame, his legs to his chest as he quietly sobbed. Thomas quietly approached, a slight blush on his face as he crouched down to James' level.

"Hey James..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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