Chapter 6

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A/N~ Okay, real quick. Thank you, whoever you are, for reading No Matter What You Do, Stick with the Pack. You are a huge help in my effort to to get published someday. After this goes through some Beta readers and editing, I am going to offer it as a free ebook on Smashwords, so if it's not to much trouble please give me your honest feedback, tell me what you want in this story. After you're done, visit to get a treat from yours truly! Again, thank you for your help! 


            The rest of the day was very quiet for me. Carri walked me back to the motel and told me to just sleep the day way, only waking me up to eat. She and Logan covered for me when it came to Mr. C and James. I guess, knowing my situation, they figured out what that was vaguely all about. I didn’t object to their help, welcoming the sleep. Something happened to me while I was running, something Maxie never talked to me about. It was like the wolf part of me and the human part of me were perfectly in sync, and whatever happened after that totally wiped me out. To be honest, I didn’t really want to eat either. I wouldn’t have if Carri hadn’t gone through the trouble of buying me dinner. She even went out of her way to smoke out of the room. It was too much.

            Mr. C and James were conspicuously quiet, knowing better then to question me about what I was doing. Mr. C I think at some point when I was sleeping came into the room and patted me on the head, but that was as far as that went. It was really comforting, I had nearly forgotten how nice it was when you had people backing you up with no questions asked.

            The next morning I had to say my reluctant goodbyes to the odd couple. Carri and Logan were pretty cool, I wished I could have spent more time with them. When asked if they were ever going to pass through Western’s territory, they said they had no clue, but if they did they’d be sure to drop by and hang out.

            The ride home with Mr. C and James was an uneventful one, a way of pulling me back to Markwood seamlessly. As the time went by I couldn’t help but have the usual reaction of wishing it had all lasted longer. But oh well, that’s the way it goes I suppose. I only hoped that Markwood would at least welcome me home.

            No such luck.

            When we pulled into the student lot there was only one car waiting, and that was the Volkswagen beetle of James’s mom. My family was nowhere to be seen. I pulled out my phone, thinking that maybe I had forgotten to tell them to pick me up. But upon reviewing my texts, my doubt vanished. I had told them, specifically, many times. And yet still, no car. I sighed and started to unload my things despite this. They’re running late. I told myself. Hard to believe, considering there wasn’t a car for miles, therefore no traffic to back them up, but I still managed to convince myself.

            And I truly believed it for the first half an hour.

            After an hour I started to doubt it.

            Two hours later I knew it was bullshit.

            I wiped out my phone and dialed up Mom, who did not pick up the phone. Next came Dad, which went straight to voicemail. Third time’s a charm. I dialed up Jeff, who picked up after the phone rang for a good three minutes.


            “Where the hell are you?” I snarled.

            “Well hello to you too.” He sneered. “What do you mean?”

            “I mean I’ve been waiting on this damn curb for two hours, waiting for you guys to pick me up.”

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