44: Proposal

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Eunha's pov

I'm with Yuju right now at the bar because it's Seongwoo's birthday party.

I already emptied 2 bottles of soju. I'm already feeling tipsy right now but I still want to drink until I pass out. I drink to forget. Forget the pain that I have inside my heart. It hurts. It hurts seeing news, articles and other reports that Jimin likes Seulgi-sunbae. It's all over the internet now.

I know I don't deserve Jimin. I know that I don't qualify to be his ideal girl. I know that Jimin and Seulgi looks good as a couple.

Knowing Seulgi-sunbae comes from a well known girl group and one of the most famous entertainment agency in Korea. While Jimin on the other hand is getting more famous day by day. Ofcourse, BTS is getting more fans. Their name is booming in the kpop industry. If they get together, Korean pop will be more famous, nationally and internationally known.

Suddenly, someone's presence just took my attention at the bar counter. His sharp, manly jaw line, his pink pump lips and his fair skin. I knew it was him.

I stood up and walked near their place. What the heck is with my feet?! It's taking me to hell pit!

Just then I realise I was already standing 2 feet away from the most dangerous heaven in my life, Jimin.

"J-Jimin?" I uttered. Then my heart pump deliriously when he turned his head to look at me. God! Why is this happening to me?!

"Eunha." He said in I way that I felt him grossed at me. He even look down.

I took my deepest breath and released it. Curse him for making me feel this mix emotions of mine.

"Can we talk for awhile?" I said bravely. If there's a perfect time on ending this, then this time is the perfect moment to end it.

He excused his self to Jungkook as he just passed beside me and left me no choice but follow him.

He leaded to the botanical garden few blocks away from the bar. He sat on the marble bench. The only light that provides us is the moonlight.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked coldly. Not even looking at my direction. I breathe deeply and tried to snatch his gaze on me and I succeeded.

"I'm..." I started while our eyes are staring at each other seriously.

"I'm breaking up with you." I said. Finally, I ended it. End of commitment. I'm tired. I'm tired and hurt. I don't want to end my life just because of this. So it better end.

I was surprised that he didn't even reacted. His face was the same as before. It was emotionless. And it hurts.

I sighed and turned back as I started walking.

"Are you sure about your decision Ms. Jung?" He suddenly spoke. I paused from walking.

"Yes, I am." I answered to him.

I felt and heard his steps getting nearer to where I am standing.

"Really? Because before that moment you decided, I was just about to change your surname to Mrs. Park."

My eyes widened. What was he saying?

I turned to him and was surprise to see how near our faces were already.

He suddenly kneeled infront of me and opened a ring box with a silver ring . I gaped my hand on my mouth. What is he doing?!

"Ms. Jung...would you love to be my Mrs. Park?"

I can't believe this is happening!!!!

"But we just broke up?" I said.

"Did I agreed?" He said with a grin.

I smiled widely.



"Yes, I'd love to be your Mrs. Park."


Surprise! 😂😂

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