Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jack's POV

I woke up the next morning with my girl laying on my chest. I layed there for a couple of minutes just examining her face and twirling her soft hair with my fingers. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and opened twitter. Holy shit. I had so many notifications about Emma and I, it was very overwhelming. Even when I wasn't in a relationship with her, I still felt very protective of her. I read through some of the tweets,

"I ship Jemma!"

"Jack and Emma have been friends forever so i approve"

"Emma can fucking leave"

"Everyone knows that friendships should never turn into relationships"

The last two tweets really pissed me off. I hated when people act like they know everything about us.

It was about 10:00 and I don't think the guys had anything planned for today so we can do whatever we wanted. I didn't want to wake her up but I really had to take a piss. I got up as slowly as a could but it wasn't slow enough because Emma's eyes fluttered open. She rested her chin on my chest and looked up at me. She was so beautiful.

"Good morning, baby" I told her kissing her forehead. She smiled back at me and put her head in my neck. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds and my phone buzzed. It was a text from Nash

Nash: They guys said we should all go to the beach today. You in?

I rolled my eyes. I was really not in the mood to hang out with them and the though of all the guys seeing my Emma in a bikini made me want to vomit. Emma saw my reaction and frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked me. She always was looking out for me. I hated that about her because she doesn't need to worry about me, I just need to worry about her.

"Nothing, it's just all the guys were going to the beach today and-"

"We should go too!" She said getting up and propping her arms on my chest.

"Uhh you sure? After what just happened I don't think we should" Hopefully I can change her mind.

"I'm over it. I know Cam didn't mean to do that and I really want to go to the beach anyway"

"Fine I guess we can go" I said sighing. She got up and walked to her suitcase to get her clothes ready. I got up after and followed her to her suitcase and grabbed her waist from behind. I pressed her back onto me and whispered in her ear,

"If one of the guys even touches you I will beat the shit out of him, okay?"

She turned around and grabbed my face and gave me a quick kiss.

"Okay" was all she said and then she walked past me to grab her phone. She plugged her phone into the speakers and put our playlist on shuffle just like yesterday. Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey came on and I let out a loud groan.

"Turn this shit off why is this on our playlist anyway."

"Fuck you, Gilinskyyyy" she said turning it on louder and flipping me off. I walked over to her to try to turn it off but she kicked me instead. I picked her up and threw her on the bed. I crawled on top of her and pinned her arms down over her head. She tried to squirm away but couldn't.

"Let me go!!!" She said laughing. She was so cute.

I leaned into her and kissed her lips. I could never get tired of doing this. After, I let her go and she got her bikini and ran to the bathroom to put it on. I changed into my swim trunks as well and Lana was still playing in the background. I guess I would let it play this time just for her.

Emma's POV

Jack and I were now walking to the beach. We were late of course and all the guys have been there for almost an hour.

I wore my pastel orange bikini and havianas. I put on a blue swimsuit cover over my bikini and put on some sunglasses.

Jack was in a very pissed off mood for going to the beach but I thought it was a good idea. Johnson texted us where they were and we finally got there. Aaron was the first one to notice us,

"Hey guys" he said waving at us. The rest of the guys then turned around to see us too. I think they thought that I was still upset about what happened last night but I really wasn't.

"Hey" I smiled back at everyone. Jack wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him.

"Hi..." Was all he said and then he locked eyes with Cam, giving him the death glare. It was the most awkward 5 seconds of my life until Cam finally looked away. The rest of the guys slowly looked away as well. Jack turned to me.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" He asked, keeping his voice low.

"Yes, now let' be social" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the rest of the guys. We sat down beside them.

"Beer?" Cameron asked holding two beers.

"Sure,thanks" I said smiling at him. Jack just took it without saying a word.

We were all talking and just hanging out, except Jack who was just on his phone with his arm draped around my shoulder.

All of the guys were tweeting pictures and Jack got up to go to the bathroom.

"Hey Em, lets tweet a picture" Cam told me once Jack was gone pulling out his phone. Fuck, I don't want to be rude but if Jack finds out about this I know it will piss him off.

"Uhh, sure" I said. I'm so stupid. This will not end well. Cam opened his camera and he pouted his lips as I stuck out my tongue and he took the picture.

"Wow we're cute" he said joking around. I slowly laughing with him. I'm so mad at myself for doing that. Why can't I say no!?

Cam opened up twitter and tweeted it.

"@CameronDallas: beach pics with bae @EmmaPerkins"

BAE!? Did he really have to say bae?! I then remembered that all of the boys get notifications when one of them tweets. Shit.

About a minute later, Jack comes back from the bathroom. I couldn't see his face because he was far away and I really didn't want to. He stormed over to us his jaw clenched and his hands in a fist.

"WHAT THE HELL CAMERON" He said grabbing Cam's arm and picking him up from the groud. "Are you fucking kidding me right now!" Jack yelled. He was being so loud and everybody was staring.

"What we are just friends" Cameron said shruggig his shoulders. He didn't seem like he was scared. I know how Jack is and I know he wanted to punch Cameron in the nose right now.

"Delete the fucking picture before I punch you in the nose." Told you. And the worst part was that he wa dead serious. I got up from where I was sitting and stood inbetween them I turned to Jack.

"Jack. Stop." He looked at me and he took a deep breathe, calming down.

"Delete it right now" he said looking him dead in the eye.

"Fine dude, chill" Cam said lifting his hands up in surrender. He deleted the picture but Jack was still furious.

"Emma, we're leaving" He said grabbing my wrist a little too hard.

"Stop you're hurting me, and I can stay if I fucking want to" I told him getting upset myself.

"Emma" His jaw clenched again. "We're leaving"

"Fine whatever just let go of my arm" He let go of my arm and we walked away without looking back.


i was jut thinking one day when i'm older im gonna remember that i used to write fanfics about a guy who will never know i exist. HA!


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