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My face had cuts all over, they were from the broken glass that he broke

Today you went to the bakery, the one I work at

Surprisingly he was with you, he smirked as he saw me

I ran to the back before you saw me, guess I failed at that

"Hoseok wait up!" I could hear you scream my name

That made me run faster to the back door, once I got there I ran out

Why did you that? Why did you ran after me?

"What happened to you? To your face?" You were panicking. I chuckled it felt like the old days. Guess thats over

"Calm down. It's nothing I fell" by the look on your face I could tell you didn't believe me

"Yoongi, do you love him?" You looked at me as if I was insane. You didn't hesitate to answer

"I do" that hurt me, I can't lie

"Are you happy with him?" I asked once again

You said it " I am"

I heard enough, don't worry I still love you

"Be happy ok? And remember you're beautiful" i walked away

Beautifully blind| MYG JHSWhere stories live. Discover now