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Dear, yoongi

Im sorry i have to leave. If i could only see you one last time i hope you can forgive me. This wasnt my choice kitten, i would love to stay and watch you go on with your life but that would be painful. I would go thru anything just so you can reach happiness

You would always say im too nice but i wanted to do all that before i leave this world. Yoongi just remember you are more worth it than you think you are. That beautiful gummy smile of yours could light up a whole room and i mean it when i say it min yoongi you're gorgeous and ill never stop loving you.

I always wanted to call you sweet nicknames you would blush really hard when i called you baby. But of course you belong to someone else i thought we would grow up old, as a married couple, adopt children, but faith wasnt on my side this time. And im sorry for not beinf the supportive best friend i did my best to make sure you were happy and it hurt me to see you cry. I hope he comforts you like i did and i hope he gives you those back rups you loved dont forget the side rubs those were your favorite ones.
Yoongi you know this hospital beds aren't comfortable at all. And theres a chair for guest to come over. Who woukd cone visit someone like me , my father abandoned me and mother, then someone took her life away , i becamed and orphan. I was and still am alone in this world.

You know I was always jealous of you back then you had a perfect family two loving parents a roof to live under with them and you had pets but your kindness was enduring however you trusted easily which you always ended up getting hurt and coming to my apartment crying. We would sit on the floor until you fell asleep i would tuck you in my bed as i would make my way out you would always call out my name for cuddles. you were like my precious gem. and still are

yoongi i dont have much time left not even days just hours i will have to wait those hours with a nurse though i would like to spend it with you instead.
I have to go
Yoongi my love, my life
I love you
Dont forget that you're beautiful

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