Chapter 9 | Sneaking Out

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Stan sat in the wet grass a few hours after Kyle had left. He kept smiling as he stared up into the clear cold starry night sky. The sky was clear, and Stan was in love. The moon seemed to be watching Stan as if smiling with him. He had never felt this way before. For once in his life he felt loved really truly loved. Stan loved Kyle. Stan loved him. Stan wanted to be more than super best friends. He wanted to be super lovers. He knew now what Kyle's speech was about Kyle was giving him clues. Stark's pond was still and motionless, Stan, finally standing up wiped the grass off of his legs and started walked home. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked home. It was very cold outside. The moon shone brightly over the small quiet mountain town of South Park. When he arrived home he put his shoes next to the door and headed upstairs his family was already sleeping. He slipped off his shoes and crawled into bed. His eyes closed and he fell asleep. His sleep was sleepless and he rolled around restlessly. He could not stop thinking about Kyle. "Kyle. Kyle. Kyle oh how I love you" Stan thought he smiled and rolled over onto his back staring up at ceiling.
"I love you Kyle"

Stan rolled over and checked his clock 2:30 in the morning. Trying to fall back to sleep he found this impossible. "Maybe I will go for a small walk" Stan thought happily "I have to clear my head a bit"
Shoving the covers off himself he trubbed his eyes and grabbed his blue jeans, red and blue poofball hat and his red and brown coat. His window was busted so he carefully walked down the stairs.
The stairs creaked and groaned but he finally closed the door behind him and met the cold. It bit his finger and stabbed his face. Trying to cover his face with his coat and made his way to Starks pond.

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