Chapter 11: I Love You Too

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Kyle sat around the edge of the pond thinking over thing, thinking about life in general. Kyle had never really dated anyone, he didn't care much for dating. But this felt different Stan was different, he cared and was loving an kind. Kyle was in love with Stan marsh, he didn't just love Stan he wanted him more than anything.

He remembered the good old days when he was on the schools football team, but he quit because his parents made him study more.

In his head he remembered the good old days, Stan and Kyle used to come here to think talk, talk about like in general.

Then sometimes camp in a tent and make a fire, he could picture he fire now. The bright flames lighting up and looking over the dark dank pond.

"Stan is the captain of the football team, and I am boring old Kyle. Kyle, KYLE! Not good lousy son of a bitch! Not good at fucking anything FUCK FUCK FUCK" he yelled to himself.

Kyle reached down and grabbed a rock he wrapped his fingers around the smooth cold stone. He gripped a fist harder and tightened his jaw and threw it as far as he could into the river. Anger filled his veins. Somehow the kiss with Stan earlier had sparked a new set of confidence in Kyle.

"If Stan doesn't want me... I have done my best. I will find someone else who cares!" Kyle angrily thought squinting his emerald eyes a the pond which rippled and swayed from where the stone stuck it "But I only want Stan..." Kyle tearfully thought. He felt the tears coming. Kyle kneeled down onto the ground he put his head onto his knees and cried. Cried because he had just lost his best friend cried because the only thing Kyle cared about was Stan. Cried because he was a fucking pussy and fucking bitch. A faggot. A fucking faggot. Something he swore he would never be.

Tears rolled down the boys pale white cheeks. He took off his green hat and set it on the ground next to him. And lay down and stared at the sky.

A sound came from behind him as someone sat down next to Stan stood in the grass for a few moments. He was smiling as he stared up into the night sky. He had never felt this way.

"You come here when you need alone time too?" Came a soft voice a Stan knew who the voice belonged to.

"S-stan?" Kyle stuttered, wiped the tears from his face. He couldn't act like a baby in front of Stan. Stan sat next to Kyle and their was a silence between the two boys Stan and Kyle both sat next to each other next to the beautiful blue pond. Alongside the rolling pond waves of Starks pond. Suddenly Kyle broke down into fits of Crying, breaking the silence. Stan felt his heart breaking into a thousand pieces his sobs tore Stan down.

"Why are you crying Kyle?" Stan asked although he knew what was wrong.

"I am a major fuck up Stan. I fuck everything up!" Kyle shouted angrily kicking at the ground. Stan pulled Kyle closer the the two sat together on the grass.

"K-Kyle, no you are not a least not to me" Stan confessed sighing and staring into Kyle's beautiful eyes.

"Yes I am" Kyle sobbed loudly embracing Stan by putting his arms around his back and putting his orange head on Stan tan, muscular shoulder.

"I fucking screwed up our friendship, shit I love you Stan but if it keeps away from each other lets just he friends. I am sorry!" Kyle sobbed louder. The silence came.

"How can you ruin our friendship? You only made it greater. Because Kyle... I love you" Stan confessed staring into Kyle's emerald eyes.

"Y-you do?" Kyle had to be sure.

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me" Stan laughed and Kyle laughed and wiped away the tears in his eyes. Stan grabbed Kyle's chin and smiled.

"Now wipe your pretty green eyes, there is no use crying over me. I love you Kyle and nothing is going to change that"

"Let's make our kiss better than our first" Kyle nodded smiling crying no more jokingly.

Stan leaned over and kissed Kyle.

A thousand thoughts flooded the boys minds in the moment of undying love.

"Wow he is a good kisser! Probably from practice on Wendy..."

"Should I close my eyes, I think so?"

"I never realized how beautiful Kyle's hair is when it is messy"

"Wow his eyes are the most beautiful I have ever seen"

"I love him so fucking much"

"Wow Stan is really muscular!"

"What should our first date be like?"

"How are we going to show our friends we love each other?"

"Are people going to bully us?"

"This is the best kiss ever"

Stan grabbed Kyle's back and rubbed his hands threw his wild red hair.

They both stopped kissing and faced each other. Both their eyes twinkled and sparkled. Undying love was between them both.

"That was amazing Stan" Kyle said dreamily.

"I love you so much Kyle" Stan said kissing him on the cheek softly.

"I love you too Stan" Kyle said playing with Stan's ebony colored hair.

Standing up Stan reached out a hand for Kyle to grab.

"Thanks.." muttered Kyle smiling at Stan with a white toothed grin.

As they walked Kyle grabbed Stan's hand and they both walked hand in hand until they reached home.

Just Friends? {Completed}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant