Chapter 7 | Memory of The Night

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          Kyle's emerald eyes were shut soundly. His mind was shut in a sleeping, quiet mode. The tapping at the window was merely a tap at the glass frame. But grew louder and he groaned, his mind awakening from the quiet dark sleep. Someone was throwing rocks at his window. 

          He wiped the sleep from his eyes and felt his body waking up again. He turned his head to his side, craning his neck towards his dresser. 

          He reached a heavy hand and picked up his iPhone, he edged his fingers over and clicked the on button and he quickly shut his eyes from the bright lighting from the tiny screen of the iPhone. His eyes slowed adjusted to the bright lighting and he could finally see that it was three forty eight in the morning. 

          Pulling his green duvet covers off of his body, he slowly walked over to his window. Looking out of the window, threw the glass at the dark black night sky, he then opened the window, letting a rush of freezing mountain air rush threw the gap. 

          He poked his head out of the window and stared down at the wet grass. He looked out of the open window onto the grass below on his front lawn stood. On his lawn stood a familiar boy. 

          Stan in his blur sweatshirt and red poofball hat, hanging messily off of his head. Kyle remember how Stan's hair poked out of the edges of his hat, I mean this was usual they did this from time to time, but somehow this night felt different. At first Kyle could not figure out what felt so different.

          Stan smiled up at him, glad that his best friend had finally noticed his urgent calls or boredom. He looked up, and whispered loudly, looking up at Kyle from the ground below.

           "I can't sleep!" Stan stuck out his tongue "Wanna do something fun?", although Kyle had been woken up from the dead of night from his slumber, it was not a restful night we was having. 

          Kyle nodded, not saying anything to not risk waking up his sleeping family. Trying to not wake his parents, he tiptoed silently down the stairs trying hard not to make a peep as he shut the front door behind him slowly and softly and ran onto the lawn, his heart hammering in his chest.

          Stan greeted his Super Best Friend with a dance across the lawn and he gave a little twist "I don't know why but tonight feels... different I feel new, I feel spontaneous!" Stan twirled around again and laughed

          Kyle laughed at his Super Best Friend and grabbed his hand, his cheeks turned red, but not because he was blushing, it was because of the frigid cold that hung in the night air. Just to think, that was the last moment in Kyle's life where he didn't feel anything more then just friendship for Stan. 

          "Look! I am even using big words!" Stan raised an eyebrow and smirked. Kyle jerked his legs and started a little dance towards Stan.  He licked his lips and grabbed his bare chest. "You know you want my sexy body Stanley" Kyle used a fake Russian accent and looked off into the distance, blowing a kiss towards him. 

          Stan stuck out his tongue and raised an eyebrow "I knew you were going to be a prostitute" Stan gave out a slight giggle. 

          When they reached the pond they stood

"I am sorry Stan" Kyle cried tears rolled down his rosy pale cheeks.

"Don't be Kyle" Stan figured out that night he loved Stan but he had managed to hide but dating Wendy Testaburger the school hottie.

"Stan?" Kyle stuttered.

"Ya Kyle?" Stan said leaning up.

"Because I kissed you do you hate me?" Kyle said tears brimed the corners if his eyes rolling down his cheeks.

"No Kyle! We are super best friends for life! Nothing can ever come between our friendship. Never" Stan said sharply.

"And Stan? Just because I kissed you that doesn't make me gay right?" Kyle said relief filled his heart their would never be a way to tell Stan he loved him more than friend"

"No Kyle, We are just friends right?"

Stan said leaning up.

"Ya just friends Stan. Just friends" Relief filled Kyle's heart and the sadness overtook as well.

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