Chapter Six

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Finally! The long and boring entrance ceremony is over! There were only a few things to get from this meeting.

1) Curfew is at 10pm-7am, where you must be in a dorm at this point in time (doesn't have to be your own dorm though).

2) Basic rules (no stealing, cheating, etc).

3) The different clubs you can join.

The list was so long I couldn't even believe it.

The only thing that sucked was that you could only join three clubs at a time.

Well, I already know one club I'm joining.

The sign-up sheets were near the front, and everyone was piling around to sign-up.

"Well... Wish me luck!" I said, before rushing into the crowd of people.

Makoto and Sayaka were soon next to me.

"What're you two signing up for?" I questioned.

"The music and dance club." Sayaka said.

"And you Makoto?" I questioned.

"Well... I don't really have a talent, so I was thinking of signing up for whatever you signed up for." Makoto explained.

"In that case... Hope you're okay with drama, music, and cooking." I said.

"Cooking?" Sayaka questioned.

"Yeah. Just because I'm an actor doesn't mean I only act. Couldn't hurt to learn to cook, right?"

"Makes perfect sense to me." Makoto said.

We soon made it to the front, where we three signed up for our chosen clubs.

Once we had done so, we were given a list of the club activities and times to meet for said activities.

Well... Based on the three I choose... I'm going to be very busy for some time. Very often.

After we had finished signing up, we hurried to get out of the crowd's way.

"So, what now?" Sayaka questioned.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm tired." I said after yawning.

"But it's only 8:37pm." Makoto said.

"Yeah, but it's been a long day. Relax. We have until Thursday before classes begin. Here, if it'll make you feel better, we can exchange phone numbers so we can still talk." I said.

Makoto and Sayaka agreed to this. We all then swapped phone numbers, and Sayaka said she'd give all of our numbers to Kyoko.

I then left the two of them to go back to my room.

Once in, I collapsed on my bed.

... Hard to believe that I'm finally here...

.. At Hope's Peak Academy. Wow...

Well, might as well check out the list of events in each of my clubs.

... It seems like Drama has club activities on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's from 5-7pm... Music is Tuesday's and Thursdays from 6-7pm... And Cooking is on Saturday's from 2-5pm...

... Goodbye free time...

And apparently, the welcoming meeting for them is tomorrow at 2pm for Drama, 3pm for Music, and 4pm for cooking.

... Three meetings back-to-back!?

Well, better get some sleep for tomorrow...

... I have a feeling I'm really going to need it...

Hope you're still enjoying the story. If not, I'm so sorry! Later! =^-^=

Worthy of His Love? (Byakuya Togami X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now