Chapter Two: Hwarene

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Irene smiled at the taller female as she walked towards the class. She was thinking about what she could talk about since she wasn't the best with talking. "So where did you live before you moved here." "I didn't move, I just went to a new school." "Oh that's cool." "I guess, I didn't had much of a choice since my girlfriend was driving me crazy." She pouted slightly for some reason. "Oh you have a girlfriend?" "I had one, until I broke up with her and she got crazy." She smiled as she nodded her head. "I'm sorry that happened to you." "It's okay, I am already over her." "Wow that soon? How?" "I always get over my exes quickly when I see a beautiful stunning women like you." Irene felt her cheeks burn as they turned pink. She pushed her glasses on her nose. "I-I I'm not beautiful." "Of course you are. I don't say that to every women that I meet." Her cheeks burned even more. "What class are we going to?" "English class." The slightly taller female sighed. "I'm Terrible at English. Let's skip it!" "Skip it?" "Yeah let's go somewhere else." "I have never skipped a class." "Than this will be a good time to do stuff you've never done before." She winked at Irene and she grabbed her hand dragging her towards an empty class. "Way better. I can finally be alone with the most beautiful women ever." She blushed even more as she had a hard time to figure out what to say. "Thank you." "No need to thank me, I'm just telling the truth." She nodded her head. As she adjusted her school outfit. Hwasa sat down. "Come I think I see something on your face." The female patted her lap. Irene looked at the females strong thighs as she walked towards her and sat on her lap. "What's on my face." "This." Hwasa took her glasses of. "My glasses." She looked at the female as she felt her fingers behind her ears. "There even more beautiful than you already are." The females grip around Irene's slim waist become stronger pulling Irene closer. "Thank you for the compliments." "These are no compliments, this is the truth." Irene blushed as she wrapped her arms around hwasa's neck. She couldn't look at her because of the embarrassment. Suddenly Irene felt two sets of plump lips on her neck. "What are you doing?" "You wouldn't let me kiss your beautiful lips so I had to kiss your neck." Irene looked down at Hwasa as she widened her eyes when she felt her hands going under her skirt. "Your butt feels nice." Irene blushed and didn't say anything she just bit her lip and looked at Hwasa. Her eyes quickly went down her body and landed on her beautiful lips. "But now I believe I can finally taste them." The younger female putted her hand on Irene's chin pulling her face closer as she softly tasted the plump lips of the other female. Hwasa pulled Irene closer as she continued to kiss her until she had to pull away for air.

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