Chapter Four: Hwarene

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Hwasa looked at the beautiful girl sitting on her lap. "If we get any closer we should probably close the door." Irene nodded her head as she cupped her cheeks and kissed Hwasa's soft lips again. "We really need to close the door." Her hands were still holding Irene's soft butt as she stood up and closed the door. She went back to seet. Irene kissed her again. "I'm sorry I'm addicted to your lips." She smiled brightly. "It's okay angel, don't worry about it." She removed an hair from Irene's face to behind her ear. "You're absolutely stunning. I can't believe how you've been single all this time." She smiled as she saw Irene blush. She noticed how Irene tried her best to say something. "You don't have to say something every time angel, you are allowed to stay silent." Irene nodded her head as she noticed that Irene was moving her hips on her lap. Hwasa mouth slowly turned into a smirk as she held onto Irene's soft behind and moved her faster on her lap. "You're turning me on right now you know?" "I know, that's what I want Because you turned me on too." "So it's a revenge of your wet underwear? I don't mind that." She looked at Irene's neck she had to kiss it again. She placed her lips on Irene's neck and started kissing it. Irene tilted her head to give her better access. Hwasa continued to kiss Irene's neck leaving her lipstick mark all over Irene's neck. She liked to taste the skin and slowly used her tongue to make the kiss more wet. She then stuck her lips on Irene's skin and sucked it. She heard a small moan coming out of Irene's mouth. She looked at Irene who was completely red. "I loved that sound angel." "Thank you." "I bet you haven't done this either." "I haven't but maybe we should go my schedule is totally messed up I should be eating with Wendy and JHope right now." Irene tried to move away from her lap.  "Who cares about your schedule. You should try to let go and live your life." Hwasa held her close not planning to let go. "What if we get caught?" "Then let's go somewhere we won't get caught." She lets Irene go and move from her lap. "My house is nearby and no one is home." She liked Irene's suggestion. "Sounds amazing, but angel you have marks on your neck." Irene nodded as she walked towards her bag and grabbed her turtle neck sweater. She watched her putting it on as the marks on Irene's neck where covered. "Let's go." Irene grabbed her hand and walked towards her house.

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