Chosen. Chapter four

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"Well I like the idea of staying up past eleven on Christmas Eve, but does this mean Santa Claus won't be coming to visit us then?" I announce sarcastically when the hologram ends.

"Shut up, Hannah.  Could you be more immature?" Heath shoots me a look of annoyance.

Mom instantly intervenes before a fight can break out between us, "Heath, that's not necessary, and very funny, Hannah.  You know the boys want us to take this chance seriously, so don't pick too much fun."

Oh, my God, like I have no interest in any of this either.  Come on, it's another friggin' planet! "Whatever. I'm going to the clinic to see Aunt Stephanie since we're on school break and don't have to report until Wednesday." I say as I start to head out.

Dad grabs my arm,"Be careful, Hannah, and call me when you're ready to leave.  I'm sure I can slip out of work and drive you.  I'll be needing a break by then, anyways." He was always doing stuff like that; his job must be really boring.

"K, thanks, Dad.  I will." I slip out before anyone can say anything else to me.  Sheesh, it feels good to be out of the house.  I could never be a homebody.  I feel trapped after an evening in, let alone with all this pressure in the house because of "the mission."  I want it, too, but we can't do anything about it right now, so why worry?  I walk the rest of the way to the clinic trying not to think about the announcement and everything else for at least a little while.

When I get there, I wave to Janice at the front.  She smiles as she continues talking into the portal in front of her.  I can tell the clinic is busier than usual, so I just head right on into Stephanie's office. "Hey, Steph!"

"Hi, Hannah. I didn't expect you today. Glad you're here, though.  We had a big rescue from another breeding ranch and we have a lot of animals that need bathing and someone to put a kind hand on them," she says as she continues checking a chart in her hand.

Ahhh, music to my ears. I love my Aunt Steph. She is no muss, no fuss; just jumps right to business. This is exactly what I need to keep my mind busy and it feels right.  "I'll get changed and head to the wash room to see what they need.  Uhhh, hey, Steph, did you hear about the new announcement?"  I couldn't help it; I guess I just wanted to talk about it a little more before I jumped into helper mode.

"No, Sweetie, not really.  You know I don't have much of a reason to keep up with that kinda stuff.  It's not like I'm entered with a family or anything. Me and Randal decided our place and purpose was here.  Just too much to get done here on this planet and too much life already lived in one place to get used to anything else." Stephanie responds in her usual straightforward manner.

That's exactly why I want to leave, I think to myself. "Well, anyways, they made another announcement this morning that there's one more part of the application process, but it has to be done in person.  And our time just happened to be on Christmas Eve, and they are going to erase our memories about it all somehow.  Can you believe that?   Did you know the Government could do that?" I ask.

Aunt Stephanie turns her head to hide her expression and I wonder if I've upset her somehow.  "The Government is capable of many things, Lil' Miss....but it sounds like you are going to have an interesting Christmas Eve all the same. Even if you won't remember what happened," she adds with a wink. I can tell she is ready to get back to work, so I quickly get my stuff and wave bye as I head out of her office. As I'm walking to the wash room, I wonder why her smile seemed kinda sad.

The day flew by and they definitely did need me, if I don't say so myself..... and I do.  I decide to walk home.  Dad will just have to find another excuse today.  And on my way I see some of my friends from school coming from the direction of the park.

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