Chosen. Chapter twelve

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Chapter TWELVE


I wake up instantly and I'm breathing hard for some odd reason. I put my hand to my chest, my heart is pounding furiously, and I have this feeling of deep sadness like I've lost someone close to me.  I sit up on the edge of the bed and take a second to clear my head.  It must be early.  I can tell from here that it's still dark outside, and Mom and Dad are still sleeping in the beds next to me.  Last day before the trials begin, probably a good thing they are resting up.

I realize what must have woke me, and decide to slip quietly out the front of the cabin.  It only takes me a second. Hannah is seated under a large, tropical tree not too far away; it must have reminded her of our willow at home in some weird way.  When I get over there, she quickly starts wiping her face and covering her red cheeks with her long dirty-blonde hair, "What are you doing here?" she asks in a huff.

I don't respond, just walk over and sit on the raised tree root next to her. I know she is upset and probably doesn't want to talk about it right now, but we can't help the bond between us.  I wouldn't feel right if I went back to bed and left her alone out here.  Deep down she knows this, too, understands the pull after this long,

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to get that strong. I just started thinking about Nala and Nook and everything we might leave behind, and I'm just a little homesick, I think. Anyways, I'm starting to feel better now," she stutters out after a second.

I can feel another wave of sadness starting in as she says this last part, and I can't help getting frustrated, "Hannah, it's okay to not be okay sometimes." I turn to her, "I don't know why you fight your feelings so much, but you can't hide them from me.  I'm upset too, you know."  A tear suddenly escapes down my cheek, "They're part of my family too." I turn away from her and wipe my face, where did that come from?

She doesn't say anything for a long time and I think I must have upset her again, but then out of nowhere she frogs my shoulder, hard. "This is all your fault, you know, twin.  I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you and Kyle getting our family chosen somehow." I'm surprised by her comeback and grab my arm before responding, "Well, I don't know how we did it, but I'm not sorry we did.  I told you from the beginning this was my chance off this rock and I'm taking it." I stand up and start hanging on a low limb, "I wish there was some way I could prove to you this is the best thing to happen to our family, and that way, you would try your hardest in the trials," I add, trying to change the subject.

She jumps up, "I'm not a quitter, Heath.  In fact, you will probably be thanking me real soon for changing my mind and coming."  I can tell her mood has finally shifted from sad to mad, which I like better because I know how to deal with this side of her.  "I doubt you can even run a mile in this heat," she states challengingly, hands on hips.

"You don't have to worry about me and my shape, twin. Just keep your head in the game," I joke from a branch above her.

"Keep MY head in the game?!? Ugh! I wish we had our memories from the last part of the assessment.  I bet you barely made the cut and slowed the rest of us down!" Hannah stomps below me.

"Do you guys ever stop fighting?" I turn and see Autumn walking over to the tree from the cabin.  I didn't hear her come out, and I wonder if the others are starting to wake up as well. 

"Good morning, Sis!  What time is it?" Hannah asks when she gets over to us, no trace of her tears from a little bit earlier.

Autumn stretches in the now rising sun and answers, "It's almost seven. Kyle is waking Mom and Dad up, so we can be one of the first families to get breakfast.  He wants to get an early start for our only play-day before the trials.

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