Chosen. Chapter 14: Part Two

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Chapter FOURTEEN: Part Two


We get out the map and pick a trail that looks like it will lead inland, hopefully to our Sky Trees, and begin our exploration of East Isle. The first thing we notice is the amount of animals, insects and just the complete increase of life in general around us. It must be a result of the Safe Zone being in place around our camp on Main Island. I think how we haven't been out of it since that first night when we tried to sneak to the scientists' side and how lucky we are nothing happened, particularly because it was nighttime. Everything today on East Isle is pretty skittish, though, and we haven't had to defend ourselves against anything yet. Dad went ahead and got out the special looking stun-gun, just in case.

It doesn't take very long; we arrive at what looks like the place where Heaven would connect to the Earth somehow, if that was possible. I mean, the bases on these trees alone are incredible. Sky Trees couldn't be a more accurate description. We all take a moment to just stare at the sight around us. There are a few other families dispersed here and there in the area, but it's still pretty quiet, considering.

We all take a seat under one of the giant mitis, or whatever, and eat some of the food we packed from the dining area on Main Island. We don't really have a game plan for what to do next; just find Sky Trees first, check! Then figure out what the item is that we need to retrieve around the Sky Trees, working on that part. And, finally, cut down a tree and bring it back with us to Main Beach along with the first item, definitely won't be one of these unless we want to be here all week.

I look at my family around me. Dad and Heath are laying out the supplies while they eat and are trying to get an idea from our gear what the item might be. Autumn is lying under a root, flipping through the old book with a sandwich in her hand. Mom and Hannah are eating and looking over the map. We certainly have as good a chance as any of the other families here, and those other families don't have me, I smile to myself. I search for the sun to see if I can gauge the time of day when I notice a gold, sparkling object hanging at the top of the Sky Tree above me. What the heck? I squint my eyes trying to get a better look, and I notice there are several hanging on each of the trees surrounding us. How strange. It looks like the Sky Trees are producing some sort of golden fruits at the tip-tops of them.

Heath interrupts my inspection of the gold-hanging masses high above, "Kyle, yoo-hoo... Kyle, can I get your focus back down here, please?"

I turn and see my family all staring at me, "Ya, sorry. What's up?" I answer when my eyes clear from staring up high for so long.

He goes on, "Well, we've been looking at the supplies, and Dad and I have narrowed it down to three possibilities, since the hint is based on the Sky Trees."  He pauses, and Dad nods his head for Heath to continue, "As far as supplies, there are these special lenses that allow us to see at night and are also heat-sensing, plus the tent, so we may have to stay overnight during the trials and may have to search with the lenses, or whatever. And there is climbing gear, so we may need to climb the Sky Trees and get something, or we ...." I don't hear anything else he says. I look back up at the unique-looking fruit I was just staring at; figured out what the first item is we need to retrieve, check!

"Hey, guys, I think I know what the first scavenger item is and what we need to do." They all stop talking and turn to me, surprised. I go on, "Autumn, you think you can find anything in that book about a gold fruit growing on the tops of the Sky Trees?"

East Isle, 01:52 pm, About Five Hours until Sunset.

"I still don't think we should split up. We don't even know what could be on this Island, and we all came together in the first place. What if ya'll don't make it back before dark?" Hannah has been protesting about that detail of the plan since we started packing up our supplies to get going.

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