Chapter 7

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Alison's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. Thayer and Sutton cuddling on the couch, smiling lovingly at each other. Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me. But it wasn't a dream, it was actually real. Are they dating? Why did he go to her instead of me? Did he really not trust me at all? To be honest, I'm not even jealous at the fact they are possibly dating but disappointed, hurt and angry at the fact that he didn't trust me enough to come to me when he has problems or issues, instead he went to what he calls the devil. I stared at Thayer angrily. I was fuming until Ryan went up to me.

"Hey are you alright Mozart?" Ryan asked patting my back and both of them finally turned around and looked at me. Thayer looked really shocked it's like he's seen a ghost, whilst Sutton on the other hand had an evil smirk and snaked her hands around Thayer's arms. Well guess they are dating after all, which I am not mad about. I could care less of who he wants to date.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said coldly, avoiding eye contact with Thayer and sitting on the couch as far away as possible from him. Ryan sat next to me and we both looked at each other in the eyes. It felt as if he knew what I was feeling.

"Ryan and Alison, stop staring at each other ok." Rebecca said entering the living room, with documents of what I assume the plan. I snapped out of this staring contact feeling thingy that we had and excused myself to get water. I went to the kitchen, opened the cabinet and grabbed a glass cup. I filled it with water and as I was hearing the sound of the water crashing into the cup. I didn't know why but part of me wanted to cry because of all the stress and worry that Thayer put me through last night, not knowing where he was...and feeling abandoned, which he promises that it would never happen, not on his watch. Guess he broke it.


I can't believe that they would abandon and violently abuse you - Thayer

It's fine Thayer, I'm ok - Alison

No you aren't, look at you, on the hospital bed and you've been in coma for almost two weeks, bruises almost everywhere on your body. Scars visible and tell me do you think this is going to convince the doctor that you drastically fell off the staircase?! - Thayer


No - Alison

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice. It's just seeing you like this hurts me. It pains me that I one day might loose you because of this. - Thayer

I know, but you aren't going to. I'm right here. - Alison

I know, I am going to try and get you out of the foster system and live with me instead. I will ask my dad to help get you out. I can't see you like this anymore. - Thayer

But- - Alison

No but's, you've been through enough. You need to move into somewhere safe. - Thayer

And that safe is you - Alison

We stared at each other for what felt like forever until Thayer broke the silence

I promise you. I will never let you feel abandoned and hurt. I will never let you feel that way ever again. - Thayer

He held his pinky up and I held mine and we sealed the promise by touching our thumbs together.

*End of Flashback*

I didn't realise I was dozing off until the water was still running and pooling over the glass. I quickly turned it off not wanting to waste water. I turned around and saw Ryan standing there, with his hands in his pockets.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked

"Longer than you think, I didn't want to say anything because I knew you needed some alone time." Ryan said as I held back the tears not wanting to show any sign of pain and weakness in front of him. He notices and walks up to me.

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