A little surprise

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"Niall do I have to get up…" I groaned as he pulled me out of bed.

"Yes! We have to go out to breakfast with Simon this morning so look nice!"

"Don't I always look nice?" I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"Always." He kissed my fore head and walked into the bathroom for a shower. I looked through my suitcase for something cute. I decided on a pair of Red shorts and a black and white shirt. I applied a light coat of red lipstick and curled my long hair. Niall came out of the bathroom in only his towel.

"I…Oh…uh… I need to use the bathroom." I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. That boy was absolutely perfect you have no idea. I always got so flustered when I saw him well… half naked. I brushed my teeth and stepped out of the bathroom. Niall was now fully dressed, He wore tan khakis, a red polo and a pair of his favorite white sneakers.

"Ready?" He asked reaching out his hand. I slipped on my red white toms and gave myself one more look over in the mirror. Satisfied I grabbed Niall's hand and we walked out of the room.

"What do you think you are wearing?" Louis greeted us outside. He crossed his arms and looked me up and down.

"Clothes." I replied in a sassy tone.

"First you take away my sleep now you steal my look!" He over dramatically sighed. I didn't realize but we were matching… he had on his red jeans, black and white striped shirt and white toms.

"Aw Louis look how cute we look!" I said waling over and linking our arms together. He looked at me for a little and then smiled.

"Yeah but I think I wore it better." He turned around and skipped down the hallway over to the elevator. Niall grabbed my hand and we joined the others by the elevator. The ride was silent down to the lobby. The breakfast place was in the hotel so we didn't have to leave. When we got inside they brought us to a room in the back were Simon already was.

"Hello everyone." He greeted as we took our seats around the table. "You must be Sam? Niall's girlfriend." He smiled at me and I nodded. "Okay so how is everyone?"

"Tired." We all groaned.

"Well maybe you should get to sleep earlier!"

"We do but…" Louis started but Niall stepped on his foot under the table.

"It's hard when the fans are screaming and yelling all night." Louis looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Simon.

"Ian should be here shortly to discuss some things with you boys." Simon picked up his menu scanning it. My stomach dropped at the name. The last time I saw my brother he was a drunken mess who had no control and beat me. Niall looked over at me and grabbed my hand under the table giving it a light squeeze.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly and decided to just focus on my menu. We ordered our food and there was still no sign of Ian. Spoke to soon…

"Hey guys!" He sat down at the table not even looking up from his phone to notice I was there. "So I was thinking after the show tonight if you would do an interview with 92.3 NOW. Then you can leave and do whatever. They will probably ask you about relationships and stuff. Keep it mutual. Niall you can explain how you are dating my sister and that it's going good to avoid any drama questions. I know she can be a burden on you." He continued staring at his stupid phone.

"Excuse me?" I spoke without even realizing I did.

"Sam? Why are you here?" His face went from confusion to annoyance and then to anger.

"Because Niall is my boyfriend and invited me to come out." I replied bluntly. He looked at me with pure disgust.

"Well… like I said Niall you can explain." Niall didn't even say anything in my defense. "Just avoid the drama." He looked up at me and glared. Breakfast was quite awkward when they weren't talking about the tour. Every once in a while I would make eye contact with Ian.

"Well nice seeing you BOYS." Ian put extra emphasis on the boys making it as if I wasn't even there. Simon said bye politely before they exited the small area.

"What an ass." I spat under my breath. "Sam why don't you go shopping today? I have to do something with the boys." Niall said as we walked back upstairs.

"Oh okay sure. What do you have to do?" We stepped into the elevator and the doors dinged shut.

"Oh just some stuff. Nothing big."

Rosie's P.O.V.

Babe, you're pregnant." Eleanor looked me dead in the eyes and I felt my stomach twist. I placed my hands over my stomach. She came over to me and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay don't worry." She rubbed circles on my back soothing me. "

I woke up remembering earlier this morning when that all happened. I rolled over to see Eleanor was up and texting away. She had a big smile on her face so I assumed she was texting Louis. My stomach started to turn and I felt nauseous. I jumped out if bed and ran into the bathroom. Eleanor came behind me and held my hair back. "I didn't know morning sickness started this soon." She spoke softly as she continued rubbing my back. I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

"Eleanor I can't do this." I walked into the living room and sat on the chair.

"What do you mean?" She sat across from me staring attentively waiting.

"I can't have this baby! I'm too young and so is Harry! Neither of us can raise a child let alone a new born!"

"Rosie before you make any decisions you need to tell Harry and see what he thinks. You have to go through this together."

"I know but I feel like he won't want the baby either…" I trailed off trying to imagine his reaction and it horrified me.

"You cannot get an abortion. Do you know how bad that messes people up? It makes people commit suicide. Trust me it will ruin you."

"Eleanor I just don't know… I just really want to tell Harry."

"He will be back in three weeks and you can tell him then. Why don't you call Sam and talk to her? Maybe she can give you some more advice."

"That's a good idea." I stood up and walked into my bedroom picking up my phone. I looked for Sam's name in my contact list and called.

"Hey Rosie how's it going?"

"I've been better. How are you?" I sat in my bed and slipped under the covers.

"Good I'm just shopping in the city. The boys had some stuff to do so I decided I would explore."

"Nice uhm can I tell you something?"

"Of course!"

"Okay but you cannot tell anyone! Especially not Harry!"


"Well I'm pregnant." The other side of the phone fell silent.

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