Blood And That Boy.♡

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Another bell rang indicating it was lunch break. I was happy that finally I’m going out of this class to see him and another part of me was sad because I know he won’t see me.

I groaned and picked my backpack, marching towards the canteen. As I walked in, it was empty. Thank goodness. That’s when someone grabbed my arm and twisted me around. It was Noah and him. Zachery must be snogging his girlfriend, Lily in the corridor stairs which are also known to be ‘Love Staircase.’ Actually whenever someone hears voices up there, they get back without looking who it is. That’s the rule. Back to earth!

“Going somewhere, faggot?” Noah spits.

“Uh, lu-lunch.” I stammered.

“So you’re hungry? I’ll buy you lunch.” Noah smiled.

“Um, no thanks.” I replied nervously.

“I insist.” He showed me his big black eyes.

“Uh, okay.” I said.

“Here you go, eat it.” He said and hit me straight in my jaw.

My lip burst.

“Your turn, mate.” He told him, TRENTON.

“No, mate. Not today.” He said.

I swear I saw sympathy in his eyes.

“Huh? Swallow it.” He said and hit me twice at the same place.

I saw people quickly settling up in canteen. Noah gave me a disgusting look and went away with Trent. I dragged myself to the 'Greasy Washroom.' Well, that washroom is on fourth floor. Greasy and broken. No one goes there. Some thinks it’s haunted!

I turned on the tap and dabbed water onto the wound. It hurt. A lot. I anyway cleaned myself up and sat against the greasy and cold wall. I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I felt so hollow and empty. Nothing inside me. Along with the bell lunch was over and so was the school soon.

I pulled my bag on my shoulder. My iPod was already broken in the morning. I took a look and asusual he did not came. He, who called me names. He, who thinks I’m a loser, a faggot. He, who beats me. He, who hurts me. He, whose blood I carry. He, is my father. Yes, he is. He hates me for everything. From the death of her wife to lose his job. EVERY SINGLE THING. And he hated when I’m not home before him. It’s just forty minutes for him to show up. I’m late!

I anyway increased my pace because violent thunderstorms were echoing all over the school arena. I was walking when suddenly someone grabbed my bag and flew it away. It was them, AGAIN.

“Hi bitch, I was busy during break with Li. So I’m here now.” Zachery winked.

“Leave me, please.” I begged.

And boom! It started raining.

“Aww, nope.” Noah popped the ‘p’.

My face fell and with that came a hard pair of knuckles straight on my jaw and I fell on the ground.

“Ow!” I exclaimed.

“Oops! Did it hurt honey?” Noah battered his lashes.

“Buy him more, Zac.” Noah said, again.

“Sure.” Zachery smiled and kicked me in the gut.

Following it, Noah and Zachery constantly started hitting me in the stomach, face, legs and everywhere for the next twenty minutes till I was bleeding like fuckk.

“TRENT, what are you waiting for, lad?” Noah laughed.

“Uh, it is boring hitting him.” Trenton said.

His voice, oh gosh.

“Whatsup with you, chap? Noah said you didn’t hit him in the break too?” Zachery said.

 “It’s nothing, mate. I told you I’m bored.” Trenton replied.

“Are you in love with his gay ass or what?” Noah laughed.

“Shut it.” Trenton said, rather vividly.

“Yeah, he fucked Rebecca last night anyway.” Zachery smiled.

“Whoa, the school hotty? How did you get into her panties?” Noah asked and Zachery laughed.

Those five words cut my heart into pieces. ‘He fucked Rebecca last night.’ It hurt me more than their kicks and punches. I couldn’t imagine my-alright not mine but, Trenton in her arms. Not in anyone’s except mine actually.

I snapped out of it when a hot burning sensation caught my left cheek even in the rain. It was Trenton’s hand. It was stinging from his touch, not by the pain. I wanted to smile so bad but couldn’t.

“Finally, you are back Trento’s!” Noah and Zachery, high fived.

“Let’s go lads, I’m tired.” Trenton said.

I saw a segment of his soul regretted. Nah, who am I kidding. He’s really tired by last night when he..ugh! They soon sat in Trenton’s BMW 640i Convertible and went away.

The rain around the ground was all red because of my now washed blood. My eyes fell on my watch. SHIT! He would be home. I literally ran through all my broken bones and bleeding skin after finding my bag in the corner.

I was home, but he was there before me. I swallowed my saliva through the throat and rang the door. He peeped through the window, watched me and went back on this bar stool.

“Open up, please.” I begged as the voices can be heard through the door.

“You know the rule.” He yelled.

“I know, but I strucked somewhere!” I shouted.

“Where, you dog?” He yelled, back.

“Uh..accident.” I lied-half lied actually!

“And no blood?” He gave a small clear chuckle.

“It is raining, for heck’s sake.” I yelled.

“DON’T YELL.” He shouted.

“Alright, open up. I’ve got cuts and bruises.” I said.

“Rule is same, friend.” He said and went in the room.

I kept banging the door, but no use. He must be wasted already. I kept my bag aside and slid against the wall, and tried to sleep. After a good twenty minute patch, I heard voices through the bushes. I looked out, but no one was there. I went back to sleep as I was very tired due to loss of blood and tiring day.

I finally slept till the sun rose.

Bruises Between He And He.♡ (BoyxBoy).Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ