The plan

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Mark pov

"So given your position I believe I can try to pull some strings and get you both into a psych ward, the problem with this is you will never be able to be a therapist again Mr. Fishbach." Said the nurse. As she said this she was 'talking with her hands'.

"That's okay I have a second career that rakes in money." I replied with a shrug.

"Do you mind if I ask what that is?" She asked.

"I'm a YouTuber. I know ridiculous right?" I replied with a smirk.

"No, no, in fact do you mind if I get the channel name?" I was surprised to hear her say this.

"Sure it's Markiplier. It's mostly gaming, some blogs, and some charity live streams. I might add more things but I'm not sure yet." I replied with a smile.

"I'll be sure to look it up sounds fun." She said writing the channel name and a short description. "Sorry about that. I'm going to give you the option to go to the psych ward-you don't have to- though I recomend it for (y/n).

"Do you mind if we talk over it for a few minutes?" I asked looking over to (y/n).

"Of course i'll be right outside but if I get called to another area it may take a little while for me to get back so I'm going to give you a pager so you can let me know when you have reached a conclusion."

"Thank you." I said as she stood up.

"No problem." She replied with a smile passing me a pager.

I watched her open the door, walk out, and close the door behind her. I turned to my left and looked at (y/n).

"What do you think baby?" I asked.

"I don't know, I dont want you to have to go to a psych ward when you don't need to plus we have chica-pika." She replied with a small shake of her head.

"I know but if you feel you will be helped I dont want to hold you back from that, plus we have friends who won't mind." I said.

"Honestly I would rather stay home with you, you help ground me and we wont be able to bunk together. I just feel like it wouldn't be a good idea." She replied laying her head on my shoulder.

"Okay then we won't." I replied.

"I just-I don't know-there is just too much to deal with right now." She said tears welling up in her eyes.

"I know I'm so sorry baby." I replied.

After a pause I spoke up again. "Maybe - would you like to try getting meds for this?"

"I can try them." She replied.

"Okay we need to find someone for you then." I replied pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"I love you mark." She replied with a smile looking up at me.

I tenderly leaned down and kissed her. It was strange she was sad and depressed yet she didn't pull away. A part of me thought she wouldnt be in the mood but I was glad she didnt try to avoid it.

"Thats one problem out of the way, what about the doctor and his death? Do you think she will really conver it up for you? And what do you think she is going to come up with? You bashed his head in didnt you?" She said.

"Yes but she told us she would tell them that I acted in self defense and that he was going to hurt you and I defended you, which is the truth, granted I could have just pulled him off of you and not killed him but I couldn't stop." I replied. I was glad that the nurse was willing to go through the trouble to help someone she didn't even know with something so large.


After a long moment of silence she spoke up again.

"Do you want to call her?"

"Sure." I replied grabbing the pager and sending the message.

(A/n I have no idea how a pager works lol.)

After I sent it I put in on the desk.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

The nurse opened the door and walked in closing it behind her.

"So what did we decide on?"

After I explained what was going on the nurse smiles at us.

"Ill look for people for you. Here is my number if you have any questions." She said. "I'll go get the discharge papers."

"Okay thank you." I replied with a smile.

"Do you have everything?" I said turning to (y/n).

"No I have everything." She replied with a smile.

"Okay good."

The nurse came back in with the discharge paperwork.

"Thank you ms-" I said trying to read her badge.

"Oh sorry ms nelson. Amelia Nelson." She replied with a smile.

"Well... Okay thank you Amelia we must be on our way our dog needs to be fed." I said grabbing (y/n) hand and looked to her to see a look of both fear and anger on her face.

"Are you okay Mrs. Fischbach?" Asked the nurse.

"Its a long story." I replied. "I can explain over the phone."

"O-okay." She replied. "Have a great rest of your weekend."

"You too and thank you for everything." I replied.

On the way back home we talked about (y/n) treatment options ranging from the possibility of her having bipolar depression or just depression. I explained the differences to her and asked her which applies more. To which she said the bipolar fit better. It didnt take to long to get back.

As I pulled in the drive I looked over to (y/n) and saw that she looked worried. I assume it was because of the thought of having to take medication.

As I opened the door I was met with a surprising face.

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