Prologue : The Immortal

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I was standing in the middle of a hall with a lots of people as I felt a cold glare from the crowd and suddenly the high priestess inform me

"the King and I have discussed about what's going to happen to you and we have decided, that you are banish from this association and also have been exiled, you shall never return from this land again!" she smirked and ordered the guards to guide me out of this kingdom and waved at me as I am leaving and one of the guards murmurs.

"good riddance and I'm glad that I'm not going to see his face ever again!" the other guards agrees and laugh with him.

"there's no place to go to anymore except one place" I talked to myself and kept carrying on my journey as I ventured through the woods and climbed the top of a mountain. Finally, I arrived at my guild named the crimson dragons, as I opened the door,

"welcome back master Theo!" they shouted, I was surprised by all the members of the guild and ask them

"h-how did you know I was going to return to the guild!?"

"oh that!, we just send a couple of spies to check on you, while you were away" my secretary of the guild named Lily is the one who answered my question with a delicate smile on her face.

'That's creepy but I don't care since they are happy of my return' I thought and don't want to ruin their party welcoming me.

After the party was over,

"finally the party is over!" I sighed.

"it's been a while since master Theo left us here, and all of the guild's members missed you master"
Lily replied.

"o-oh is that so, I'm sorry" I apologized.

"oh yeah, before I forgot to tell you this, did you have been receiving letters from the king?" I continued and question her.

"yeah, a lot of letters they send here all the time and it is annoying, also we even receive letters from the other countries" she answered.

"well, just ignore them, they the one who make me on my nerves when I'm around them" I grumbled with a unpleasant face.

"Hmph, typical master you always ignores the request from countries right" Lily chuckled.

"I don't care as long as I have a peaceful life" I answered while laying on the bed.

"it already late, you better go back to your room Lily" I suggest.

"no I have to be my master side till the end"she disagrees.

"I have to make this count this time" Lily thought of something to herself.

While I slept, she was sitting beside me, her eyes sparkles and she suddenly disappeared, as I felt something soft behind me, I turned and it was Lily showing her other side of her as she tied my hands with a rope and she grinned and strip off my clothes, I sweat a bit and clear my throat as she put her finger into my mouth and pull out her finger as she lick "so sweet, its cute to see you embarrass while I'm doing stuff like this with you" showing with her sadistic face. I struggled and finding a way to out of this nightmare, she was trying to do something more perverted than this, as she goes lower and lower between my legs, I leg locked her and threw her away from me.

"ouch!, that's cruel you just ruined the exciting part" she yells.

I tear the rope with my hands

"why are you doing this Lily?" I ask.

"I doing this because I always liked you master" she answered.

"hey!, you're 14,979 years younger to do this to me" I replied.

"oh come on!, stop teasing me, i-its not like I can't do something perverted" she mumbled.

"whaaat, I can't hear you!" I sarcastically yelled.

"geez, I'm outta here!" she cries and slams the door and leaves.

"good grief what I'm going to with Lily" I consciously talking to myself.

Later in the morning, "yawn" I woke up and saw two young girls sleeping beside me.

To Be Continued

[A/N] hello!, this is me ≧ω≦ and I'm going to make this novel more interesting, so look forward in reading chapter one ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

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