Chapter 1:

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As I woke up, I saw two young girls sleeping beside me was Kurumi and Yoshiko, they were sleeping peacefully, then I got up and the girls opened their eyes.

The girls:"good morning master" the girls woke up and greet me on my bed while having sleepy faces like it was nothing happening between us, I jumped and got off the bed, while pointing my finger at them.

Theo:"w-what are the both of you doing!".

The girls:"we're sleeping with master of course!".

Theo:"b-but why!"

The girls:"because we're scared sleeping alone".

Theo:"what!...." I sighed "forget about it, lets go have breakfast shall we?"

The girls:"lets go!"

While I was in the dining room having breakfast with the whole guild members, one of the members suddenly ask me.

Member:"so master, what are you going to do now that your identity have been erased".

Theo:"oh is my identity is being erased?" I answered with a calm looking face.

Lily interrupts

Lily:"yes, because we've already ordered the troop to stole the documents of your identity in the capital, master."

Theo:"i-is that so, *cough* then what shall we do about it?"

Yoshiko suddenly interupts the conversation and raises her hand while standing at the dining table to get the guild's attention.

Yoshiko:"how about master Theo go back to school again?"

Theo:"heh that's tiring, it looks like I'm going back to square one" I sighs.

Lily:"then, do you have any other plans?" she crossed her arms and glare at Theo.

Theo:I sweat a bit "n-no".

Lily:"then its settled, you have to come back to school".

Theo: I groan, "that was fast".

Lily:"good boy" she smiled, as she pats Theo's head like patting a child.

Lily:"he he he, master's head is so soft" while starting to show her lust side towards Theo.

Theo hit her head.

Theo:"stop patting my head, you're starting to show your other personality again" I hissed.

Lily:"I'm sorry" she cried.

The members just simply laugh. Then, Theo decided to have a meeting with the guild and going to make a plan about Theo going back to school which is in the nearest capital from the guild.

After all the chattering in the meeting, the plan have come into a decision and stated that Theo will be registering the school with Lily because she volunteered to and everyone couldn't disagree, so the mission will start tomorrow morning.

As the meeting ended, the members must take a rest and Theo entered his room as he looked at the window in his room while gazing upon the shining sky.

Somebody POV:

I was on the forest on my way to the guild to meet my old master Theo. I looked at the big building of the guild and saw master stargazing at the windows.

I leapt onto the wall as I dashed and climbed until I reached master's place. At last, I arrived and came in to master's room while standing at his back as I spoke

????:"you're looking quite stressed ain't you master".

He turned and looked at me as he was surprised upon my arrival.

Theo:"Oh Kai!..., aren't you have died!?".

Kai:"no, I'm still alive" I chuckled "so master what's bothering you?".

Theo:"well–"he turned his face away while scratching his head like he was hiding something.

As he suddenly paused, I was confused and tilted my head because of his reaction on my question.

Kai:"is there something serious happened to you master?".

Theo:"nothing much though, well–" he cough for a moment "its all about Lily, do you want to know about it".

Kai:(what!?, L-lily he said) I thought as I started to tremble after hearing her name.

Theo POV

Theo:(wow, Kai is still scared of Lily because of the incident happen in his childhood, I guest I better stop talking about Lily for awhile) I thought.

As he heard of Lily's name, I sighed and comforted him while he was trembling in fear.

To Be Continued.
[A/N] wow, tiring chapter \( ̄▽ ̄;)/, so please look forward in reading the future chapter that is chapter 2 soon to be publish (well maybe). Anyways please look forward to read ok!

P.S :also please give me opinions about my writing skill if needed to be improve,(¬_¬) as well as the story.


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