[FFXV - Nyx] Farewell

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The day you finally managed to enter what was left of the once prosperous city of Insomnia was one of the last where there was still sunlight. The beautiful weather, even if only for a few hours, was not appropriate. Only a few shreds of clouds tainted the otherwise unsullied sky, and the sun burning on your skin was way too pleasant. It was quiet. Only the sound of wildlife disturbed the peaceful silence, as humanity had completely abandoned the ruins. The nice weather made you choke back a bitter sob, since it reminded you of better, happier days, and your mission was a tragic one. To bid him farewell.


You had always hated goodbyes, but never had it been as hard as with Nyx. Because you knew of the possibility that he might not come back.

"Two more minutes", you pleaded, your voice muffled, since your face was buried in the crook of his neck. Nyx laughed softly, pulling you closer for a moment.

"You said that already five minutes ago."

You groaned, then sighed. It was time to let him go, you didn't want him to get scolded for being late.

"Text me once you know when you'll be back?", you asked, pulling him even further into you.

"As always."

After one final kiss, one final squeeze of your hands, he pulled himself from your tight embrace.

Before he left, though, he turned around once more.

"Hey, next week we should go out for dinner. There's something I'd like to give to you."

You knew that it was time to let go. Nyx was dead. For you to finally be able to continue your life without constant feelings of sorrow, it was inevitable to put the relationship you had had with the Glaive behind you. To make that possible, you had decided to revisit the places you related to him - at least what was left of them - and finally say goodbye.

At some, it was impossible to make out what they had once looked like, some others were nearly intact. At the beginning it was hard to find your way, at least, whenever you thought you were completely lost, a monument, building or street provided you with recognition. It hurt. It pained you immensely, seeing the once beautiful city torn to pieces, just like your former life.

And with every bit of the city you recognised, memories, the ones that you had always kept from invading your mind, rained down on you. This time you let them.

You knew the street that you entered now inside out, even with all the destruction, you immediately recognized the place where you had once lived. Like putting a transparency on a photograph, your mind recreated the view you remembered. The yellow house you had lived in. The huge building next to it. Your favourite bar.

You continued down the road, soon reaching the next district. The other bar.

"Let's just go in there!" Your best friend pulled you into the crowded place, on the look-out for a place to sit. Of course there would be many people here, since your favourite bar had decided to take the evening off and was closed - so the regulars had to look for another place to drink their beer after work. Being in this exact situation, Rianna and you found yourselves a small table. Actually, you were quite pissed, since the bar you usually went to was so much closer to your home and had a much nicer atmosphere.

That feeling of displeasure soon left you, though. It was completely gone by the time you managed to command all the courage and finally talk to that ridiculously handsome stranger at the table next to you. And when you and Nyx - that was his name - left the bar together at the end of the evening, you mentally thanked the owners of your favourite bar for providing you with the opportunity to get to know someone like him.

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