Ming's Mistake

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It wasn't until a day after Ming abducted the incredibly adorable doctor did he realize his mistake.

"Doctor Kittinan Intochar is not your doctor?" He asked Wayo in alarm. He was visiting the other man alone this time since Forth hadn't been able to come, as Ming's boss had some business to conduct in the other side of the country. The older man actually originally ordered Ming to go but as it was a bit of a delicate deal, the group's biggest boss - Forth and Wayo's father - decided it was better if Forth himself show up. Ming honestly had to wait until his boss was gone before he let out the guffaws he was holding in as he observed how the country's most terrifying gangster sulkily prepared the things Ming was to bring to Wayo with such tenderness and care.

"Nope," the hospitalized man replied, licking his spoon cutely, thoroughly savouring the strawberry gelato Ming had gotten him - well, more like Forth had forced Ming to bring since the doting older brother knew just how much his darling little brother loved anything that was pink and sweet. "You could say he's my substitute doctor since Dr. Beam, the doctor officially assigned to me that is, is often called to surgery."

"I see..." Fuck! For the very first time Ming actually managed to fuck up his mission. This was all that doctor's fault! How dare he be so fucking adorable enough to make Ming lose his usual control enough to abduct him without second thought.

He was actually glad he hadn't yet informed his boss of his catch, for Ming couldn't even begin to imagine just what Forth would do to him once he found out about his blunder.

Wayo paused, giving his best friend a suspicious side glance, having observe his sudden silence. Ming mentally prepared himself not to let anything slip under that watchful eyes. Seriously, Wayo may look all adorable and innocent but blood do indeed run thicker than water. "Did you do something, Mingkwan?"

"If by do you mean take an interest then yes, I may have done something to that adorable doctor." The other man seemed unconvinced by the innocent smile Ming gave him, and that sent a brief panic through him, but it broke through when a laugh went unbidden from those plump lips. Hallelujah Ming was saved!

"Who would have thought!" Wayo replied, face brightened by a cheeky smile. "If I knew you were going to take interest in Dr. Kit I shouldn't have said all those awful things about you."

"You shitty best friend!" Ming hurriedly cried, slinging an arm around the other man's neck and mock strangled him. "What blasphemous lies have you said against my personage?"

"Nothing but the truth!"

"I swear, if my chances are destroyed because of you, you better sleep with an eye opened!" Lets conveniently forget the fact that in the very first place, Ming's chances to ever have that adorable doctor fall in love with him are already partially ruined - what with Ming kidnapping him and all - but Ming is more than confident that his looks and charisma would make the doctor fall for him.

That was when he still thought the doctor knew nothing about him.

Who would have thought his own fucking best friend had been sabotaging his future endeavors - regardless of the fact none of them had predicted such turn of events?

Oh well, if all else fails, there's always good ole' Stockholm syndrome Ming could hope on. It always worked like a charm.

After a few more ribbing and insults thrown at each other, Ming finally decided they both had already filled their daily quota of each other and, with one last insult, closed the door just in time before the pillow Wayo threw towards him hit it's target.

"So you must be the infamous Mingkwan. Wayo has told everyone so much about you." an amused voice floated over from behind Ming. When he turned around to face the speaker, a marginally handsome face dressed in doctors robes greeted him. Ming had a feeling about the other man's identity.

"Only good things I hope," he smiled charmingly, though really who was he kidding? Knowing Wayo it would be nothing but an endless list of complaints.

"I would prefer having Wayo answer that." Considering those words and the amused chuckle the doctor let out, it would seem that he knew Wayo well. Which could only mean...

"Are you perchance Doctor Baramee Wongphiphat?" Ming asked, hand already moving towards the inner pocket of his denim jacket, clutching the lone small bottle. Better make sure he got the right doctor this time, or else he doesn't really want to imagine the repercussions.

The doctor put on a pleasant smile as he bowed slightly towards Ming. "Yes. And I am guessing you are Mingkwan Daechapanya, Wayo's best friend."

"I am," He replied with a smile, and before the doctor could do or say anything else, Ming had already whipped out the bottle and had proceeded on giving him several sprays to the face. The doctor looked confused for a moment and had even raised his arm as if to point at Ming before eventually the charts he held slipped past his fingers and he fell prey to the drug's effects, eyes closing against his own violation and he fell towards Ming's opened arms.

Ming refrained from letting out a triumphant whoop, eyes darting left and right to make sure no one had been witness to his crime. He was really thankful Forth had made sure Wayo's room was at some discreet corner where it usually is overlooked or else Ming would have to worry about witnesses.

Now his only worry would be how to drag the doctor's unconscious body out of the hospital without alerting anyone. This abduction after all was an unplanned one and he hadn't really managed to prepare anything.

He could only hope that his and the doctor's conversation hadn't been loud enough for Wayo to hear. His best friend might wonder why his doctor never came in despite already being outside and Ming would be the only suspect.

Kill wouldn't be the only thing Forth'll do to Ming if ever Wayo found out about this nefarious plan of theirs.

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