Wayo's Intervention

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Three days.

It's been three days since Phana last visited his room.

Wayo was starting to suspect something.

Since the two of them had met, Phana had always been consistent with his daily visits – even when his schedule was full to the brim or it was his day off, the other man would always make it a point to spare Wayo a minute of his time.

So this sudden disappearance – that had no prior warning whatsoever, mind you – was completely suspicious.

Of course, Wayo never really started to connect the dots until recently. At the beginning he had originally thought that the doctor had merely gotten tired of him. He has heard of the various rumors floating around of the supposedly playboy doctor, and although he never believed any of it, now that this happened made Wayo think twice.

It wasn't really until his older brother's mood started turning for the better, coupled with Ming's occasional hesitant glances towards him, and the meaningful glances Kit and Beam share, that the puzzle pieces started to form shape.

Contrary to popular belief, Wayo wasn't as oblivious as he seemed, he just liked to feign innocence. He was fully aware that his family wasn't as innocent and righteous as it was portrayed to the masses, and that his father and brother weren't completely "clean" for that matter.

He had known all about the family's "side businesses" for a long time now, having discovered it back when he got kidnapped during his elementary years and the perpetrator was drunk and incredibly chatty – immediately spilling everything from their motives down to the founding details of their organization. Of course, along those lines also came an angry tirade about the Panichayasawad family and all the injustice the kidnapper's organization had gone through under their hands.

That was the moment that the young Wayo had been enlightened.

(Of course at that moment he has yet to completely understand the full truth. It would take him another two years of espionage – read: eavesdrops. No one inquires further why he was he was running around the house hiding in dark corners as long as he brought his stuffed toys with him and claim he was playing hide and seek – to comprehend the full extent of his family's rather darker business venture.)

Though when he was finally rescued a few hours later, as he was about to inquire further about his abductor's words, his father was quick to spin a sob story about a desperately frustrated newly let go employee of their car business looking for trouble.

That's when Wayo figured out that his father and brother had no intention at all at getting him involved with the underworld, and seeing just how desperate they were trying to hide the truth, he decided to have mercy and claim he had been relatively left alone throughout his captivity and the kidnappers had not spoken a word to him.

Seeing how fast the two older Jamornkun were to sigh in relief, Wayo knew he had made the right decision.

As for all those moral conscience stuff that comes after discovery of such morally corrupt things, Wayo never underwent that. It probably has something to do with how young he was when he found out about it that resulted to his apathy, but really he guessed it was more about the fact that this was his family. They had freely gotten themselves involved in this and they seem to be having fun with it – as bizarre as that sounds – and Wayo had been raised to always put his family first.

And that is why even though he figured his older brother was responsible for the sudden disappearance of his beau, he can't really bring himself to get angry at Forth. After all, Wayo knew that his brother was only looking out for him, and though his actions were quite questionable – well, that's just Forth Jamornkun for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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