nine ; charlie

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I screwed up. I knew I screwed up. I knew that Lexi could hold her own, and yet I couldn't fight the urge to defend her. And against her own father, the very man she was becoming stronger with.

Yeah, it was no possible way that I could fuck up more.

To take the edge off, I opened a bottle of brandy and poured a small bit into a coke. Drinking and driving wasn't the best idea, but something in me said I could handle it.

That was probably my problem.

So, I got in my black car and left my home, where I couldn't stand my parents smothering me. The realization set in that I had no idea how to even reach her, since none of this was ever planned.

Seriously, how crazy is that girl? Sometimes I forget that she actually kidnapped me. Literally grabbed me in an alleyway, just to tell me that my options had to be consented. Even then, in the face of possible danger, I wanted that fire in her. I can't even help it at this point. She's just... her. And I want that.

I want her.

After some hazardous driving, I found myself at the empty apartment she took me to after kidnapping me and taking me to a warehouse (which was scary, by the way). Not knowing how I remembered how to get here, I got out of my car and sloppily scoped the place. Taking stairs right now wasn't really that great of an idea, but I can handle it.

After stumbling a few times, and missing my targets a couple of times, I realized I put a bit too much brandy in my drink. I didn't have it in me to give up, so I just continued to stumble about, finally reaching the front door.

For some reason, despite me knowing that she likely wasn't here, I tortured myself with a couple of knocks.

There was a deadly silence. For a really long time, there was no answer; just silence. Then, the knob turned, making the loudest noise that I had ever heard, setting relief into me. It felt as if the whole world had quieted down to watch the door open.

"Hi, my order is the..." she trailed off. Apparently, I wasn't the tastiest food item in the world, because she slammed the door in my face.

Hey, it's not my fault they got her order wrong!

It was a count of three seconds before she opened it back. Despite my entire world being as blurry as a Polaroid, her face was clear. Her dark hair was pinned back, with strands framing her high cheekbones and reaching down to her chin. Her dark eyes had bags under them, but she still looked stunning to me.

Lexi quickly brought me back to reality as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Charlie, what the hell are you doing here? How did you get here? How did you know to find me here?" She demanded, looking around to make sure I wasn't followed before pulling me into the apartment by my collar. The quick motion made me trip over my feet, falling right on the floor with her under me.

My groggy body went limp on top of her, exhaustion taking over my drunken limbs. She lay still for a moment, her breathing shallow with my face in the nape of her neck. She wiggled an arm from under me and grabbed my face by my chin.

"Charlie, are you drunk?" She questioned, her eyes meeting my drooping ones. I'm guessing that the answer was obvious, with my unresponsiveness. "Dear God, you are." She groaned and shoved me off of her, causing me to roll onto the floor. I laid on my back and broke into laughter, my mind muggy.

Am I really that drunk?

That sentence alone made me snort with laughter. Lexi just looked at me, shaking her head and sighing. She got up, leaving me alone for a bit. She returned with a damp cloth. My arm reached out for her, my hands weakly grabbing her calf muscles. She rolled her eyes at my efforts and kneeled beside me, elevating my head and placing the cool, damp towel on my forehead.

I jolted a bit, the cold shocking me. A shiver went down my spine, and I reached out for her once again.

Her eyes softened while looking me. She brushed a bit of my hair out of my face to look me in the eyes. "Charlie, what are you doing here?" She asked again, this time, a lot less hostile.

"I wanted t' make things right." I worked up the courage to say, my words dragging a little.

It seemed to take her a while to decipher what I said, so maybe they dragged a little bit more than I thought. A lot of bit more.

"Make things right?" She echoed, and the sound of her voice cleared my mind a little. She chewed on the skin on her pale pink lip, thinking to herself.

I simply nodded. "I... uh... I didn't mean to do what I did earlier. It was dumb. Sorry." It was supposed to end there, but my rambling continued. "I mean, I kinda meant it because like he was being stupid and I didn't like the way he was approaching you but you didn't really need to know that because you could handle it on your own and I know you can I just don't know what got into me sorry. "

I could tell Lexi was torn. She looked troubled as I closed my eyes. I could hear her breathing leveling out, soothing my headache.

She sighed, causing my eyes to flutter open for a bit. "You're so stupid Charlie." She shook her head, grabbing my face before gently kissing my lips. "Such a stupid boy."


I'm not sure when or how I got into Lexi's bed, but that's where I woke up. Bright mid day sunlight shine through windows and into my face.

"About time." Lexi said. She was sitting in front of the bed, on a loveseat with her legs crossed and her arms folded. "Thought you were never gonna wake up. I was thinking about shipping you off to a hospital." She said dryly, but the joke was evident.

"What..." I looked at the time, seeing it read nearly three o'clock in the afternoon. "Damn, I really was out like a light, wasn't I?"

"Uh huh." Lexi said. She got up from her seat and paced for a bit, seeming uncertain about something.

I figured this was my time to talk to her in actual coherent sentences. I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, closer to her.

"Look, Lexi I'm sorry. I really am. I want you to forgive me." I murmured, becoming surprised at how truly desperate I sounded.


"Why do you treat me like a boy? A kid?" I demanded, meeting her intense expression.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "You drove here intoxicated- no drunk. Absolutely drunk. Wasted. Why do I treat you like a boy? Look at yourself Charlie."

"I can be different, I-I can do different! What, what do you want? What do you want me to do Lexi? I want you, nothing is going to change that."

For the first time ever, Lexi seemed to not to have an answer for me. She was silent, studying me in shock. I was truthfully shocked at myself. I hadn't noticed that she had stopped pacing until now. She stood still at the end of the bed, right in front of me at this point. She was so close; my body was begging for her.

I could even smell her scent.

But what I felt most was her mutual feelings. I watched her as she tried to hold back, tried to control herself.

Time seemed to stop as I watched her every move. She held herself back for as long as she could before her lips crashed onto mine, the force nearly knocking me over. Her movements were rushed and self serving, like this our last kiss.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her, pulling her warmth closer to me. Her slender fingers tangled themselves in my messy brown hair. She tugged on it, making me groan, my breath speeding up.

"Charlie," she moaned into my lips. She tried to pull back, but she couldn't stay away.

And neither could I.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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