Chapter 12

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King Ernesto ,

King - You Owe Me 50dollars man .

Marley - how ?

King - you just owe me man .

Marley - bet , aye you heard what happened to tamoore ?

King - yea , karma is a bitch .

Marley - haha , man sure . I'm Finna roll up , wanna come over young ?

*Boom Boom Boom Boom *

I jumped up , because it scared the shit outta me .

"KING , Go see Whose at the door ." My mom yelled from the shower .

King - Yo , Umm lee . I'm gonna have to call you later .

Marley - alright man , text me .

King - yes sir .

Call ended .

I walked down stairs an Down the hall to the front door .

"Who is it ?" I asked before opening .

"LAPD ." They said back .

"Oh shit " I whispered .

I ran upstairs , then back because I didn't know why they where here .

I didn't know if I should open the door .

I just opened the door .

"King Ernesto Perez ? " one young officer with black hair said .

Taylor Lautner looking self .

"Yeah ." I replied back .

"Your under arrest for shooting tamoore Stevens . " he said putting one of my arms behind my back an the other on top .

He hand cuffed me .

"What ?" I said .

" I didn't do ..." .

"You have the right to remain silent , anything you say can an will be used against you ." He Miranda rights me .

"MOM !" I yelled .

They tried to rush me out , but I was trying to get away from them .

"This must be a fucking mistake yo . I ain't do anything . Some bodies lying man . Let me go ." I said moving around an jumping in shit . Trynna get loose 😒 .

My mom came down stairs in a pink robe .

"What the hell is going on ? " she asked .

"Ma'am , please stay back ." Some albino officer said .

"What did he do ?" She asked .

The police rushed me out an threw me in back of one of the police cars .

I sat back there for like 5min .

Because the twilight wolf nigga was talking to my mom explaining why I was arrested .

She started cursing an shit .

"Ma'am , ma'am , ma'am , ma'am " the twilight officer said trying to calm her down .

He came around the car , an got in the driver seat .

He started typing on the laptop .

Then he stopped an started to drive off .

GOOOOOOOOO check out my new story , "young rich niggas " . I just started .

I hope y'all enjoy this story , because you just might enjoy that one even more .

Anywho ...

Y'all like this chapter ?

I don't think I said that Miranda rights , right . Lmaoo .Idc

What am I doing wrong 😭 .

Karmas a bitch ?

Shidd . Karma ain't got shit on me .

Anyway ...


All that shit .

Nesto World *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now