Needed info?

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I guess your expecting more of an explanation on this story huh?.....welp here you go

A normal not so normal family try's to get by when they find out things are not as they seem. They all try to get by with there own struggles, and as school and home life goes on more shenanigans seem to happen.....

When life gets hard sometimes you just have to remember to breathe - sounded smart

Let it be known that I don't know what I'm doing

Your about to open a can of worms so get ready

Please don't hate to much I don't really understand what I'm talking about, (both writing and topic wise) I know a bunch of people who have depression (I personally do not as far as I am aware) but I'm to afraid to ask any advice, all information I'm getting are from other stories I have read, small conversations, and the internet. (Smart, I know)
In this story there is supposedly themes of depression or depressive behaviors but it's not gonna be to crazy just hopefully enough to be noticeable from my own understanding if this make any sense
Depression is a very real thing and well..... there's only so much we can do, I'm sure it affects the whole family and the friends of the person.... I don't know where I was going with this....
Anyway I'm sure the story will be fineeee

Also mentions of a strange incurable made up illness, (original, am I right? Hahahaaaa ah man who am I kidding) but probably won't come to light till later if there is a later if I know myself at all like being a procrastinating idiot who never finishes things and all, you know, that thing

Oh man this is falling apart before I even start writing

I have already stated and I will again - I am by no means a good writer so I will go ahead and apologize now

This should be a normal story with a normal not normal family and stuff like that but if that's what's actually going to happen we will have to wait and see I suppose
Anyway...... idk

I'm not to sure how much of a story line I actually have at the moment anyway

Unofficial Official character list (I think)
Probably incomplete

I took the list off cause it took away from the mystery sooooo I guess it really is incomplete

Half the people weren't even relevant anyway

Don't worry I'm sure it's all fine

I have no idea if I will even use most of these but they will be there so don't worry if it's confusing or maybe we should be worried because I'm just making this more stressful than it needs to be ohhh well
***Literally just came up with all the the names at like 4am don't judge to harshly***

Annnnd we are off on this strange adventure I will one day regret

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