Reality loop

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My names Ace, not that it should mean anything to you. I could care less of your opinion.
Well I guess your like every other human being and is questioning why you care about my life, and honestly I don't myself. Not in the slightest, there is most likely something else you should be doing with your lives and yet here you are.
Not gonna leave me alone are you?
Well If your that desperate to know then I guess there's no point in preventing the inevitable from resilient minds that probably just have nothing better to do.
If you must know im currently a junior in good ol' high school, ahhh the glory days (yeah right)
To bad I'm not that much of an outstanding student, I just sort of.... exist? (I guess) In a constant loop of reality. Life just moves around and the constant flow of time just.... passes. I'm basically disconnected if you think about it. Life is meaningless if you don't have a point and as far as I am concerned I don't have one. I'm completely average in every way, just think of what that does to a fragile self esteem? my teachers are concerned I don't have one as well, you know the usual. They are all knowing and our the keys to our success (doubt it) but because I "apparently" have a lack of drive and motivation I will go no where in life.
It may seem fairly bleak but If you can think of one teenager who is happily satisfied with there grades and free of stress in there lives then they should consider themselves lucky that they have the golden lives, golden indeed. As if such thing existed
I can tell by they way my current teacher keeps looking in my direction that he wants to have a chat with me after class. I pretend not to notice but it doesn't come close to saving me from the embarrassment of eventually being called out.
Cant teachers just respect privacy? Well I mean they don't have to legally because it's governmental or whatever. Still, it would be nice rather than leaving me in a state of panic every single time the "key to my future" decides that today is participation day and what not. Currently one of those said teachers decided to stop giving me clues I obviously had no interest in, and stop class.
"Ace I need to see you after class, I'd keep it in mind so as not to "conveniently forget"this time, you can't just skip this"
In front of the whole class, I'm dying from pure embarrassment.
It really sucks you know?
He returns to the lesson for the next 15 minutes and every second just brings on a new wave of dread and acceptance. May as well just get it over with or deal with the dreadful "we need to talk with your parents"
If I get my way, they will be none the wiser. It's my life, my responsibility.... ok so maybe it's just because I don't want to be grounded but my point still stands... I think.

15 minutes finally pass on by and Mr. Fussi is watching me expectantly.
As I pack up my books I ask "Hey do you think we can hold this off till tomorrow? I have a bus to catch and I don't really feel like walking home" hopefully I can keep pushing this off
"Well you should have thought about that the last time you skipped out on me"
Darn no luck like always...Well it was worth a shot at least.
"We need to discuss your grades" he's says gravelly
"Yeah and what about them" I return Defensively
"you need to bring your grades up or you won't graduate next year"
"Why do you care"
"Im your teacher it's my job, i want you to succeed but that won't happen if this continues. If you need help I'll help you but you need to let me"
And there it is, the most famous and overused teacher catchphrase used universally by all. He's just not gonna let this go is he? Fine I can fight fire with fire.... well somehow....ok so maybe not today.
"Can I go?"
"We need to discuss this. I can't do things for you, you need to start putting in the effort" bla bla bla, I have herd it alllll before and I don't care to hear it again.
"Yeah yeah sure of course, you have my word" I state sarcastically
"With that attitude you can stay for detention and take the opportunity  make up that conversions test from last week"
Ughhhhh I completely forgot about that and I haven't even come close to anything resembling studying.
"I really should be getting home..."
"It won't be for long and besides I just gave you an unofficial detention remember?"
".....Fine whatever"
"Cool let me get that for you. You can sit over there, I have a meeting I need to go to so will you be ok by yourself?"
"I'll be fine sir" I say tiredly

He gives me the packet and answer document then leaves. I sit and try and work through a few before I give up........It had been 5 minutes.............
Sad I know but whatever. As I sit there in frustration I soon realize he isn't coming back anytime soon. I pull out my notes and quickly fill out the test. As I work it starts to rain (just my luck). finally finishing and restore order by putting all the evidence of my crime
away. I sit there for a few minutes. I made sure to still mark a few wrong so he wouldn't suspect a thing. Chemistry is hard and besides Mr. Fussi is soooo boring. It's not like he cares he just doesn't want to get fired. Bad teachers do exist. He gives impossible assignments, unrealistic grades and standards. Ask any other student and they will agree that his false helpful nature makes him one of the less desirable teachers to have. Unfortunately I have horrible luck and it hasn't failed me yet.

I put the papers on his desk and write a quick note and leave the dusty room. There's no way I'm staying for something so stupid. I quickly text my parents that I would be getting in late today and make my way to the front doors.
The rain is really beating down and I don't really feel like walking through that. It doesn't look like it's
Gonna stop anytime soon. I head to the school library that was conveniently still open for the actual detention students. I sit at one of the tables and get to work on some homework. I won't do it otherwise and I got nothing better to do anyway so why not. I'm at it for about an hour and the library's Queen - miss Smith (only ever answers to your highness, anything else is unacceptable) wants to leave and I'm suppose to bend to her will because she has more authority. I pack up and leave, rolling my eyes as I pass her. Looking through the window shows that the rain has slowed a bit. Danny's house is just down the road so might as well stop in for a bit. Me and Danny have a sort of.... ehhhh agreement. It's hard to explain but because of it we get to barge into each other's houses whenever for whatever. It's quite nice actually. He has been one of my sole friends for most of my childhood years. Met him in the third grade and can't seem to get rid of him so here we are. "Stuck together" they all say.
I finally make it to the door and knock to let Mrs. Peirson know That she is having visitors.
The last few years something changed in Dan but it's not my problem and if you bring anything up he gets all defensive so I just leave it be. I'm to lazy but whenever I get the chance I keep track of him and investigate. I may not care or like him all that much but he's still my oldest friend. Ok that was kind of insensitive, I really do care but it's complicated.

Apparently Dans out, watching his destructive cousins, While his auntie Kate and uncle Nigel have date night.
I stick around in his room (tampering with some unfinished science project) long enough for the rain to stop. I give my farewells and head home. If I'm lucky mom will not have left yet. She probably just finished packing. Ever the procrastinator she is, waiting till the last second. Her flight is in an hour and a half and the air port isn't all that far away. When I do arrive she's in the kitchen cooking something that hopefully doesn't turn into charcoal. (She can't cook to save her life but she try's)
"Hey mom"
"Hey how's it going gold fish?!"
"I will never understand your nicknames"
As My father walks through the doorway he states "it's ok neither do I, and in case you were wondering, she hasn't changed" he winks at my mom as she looks over To him in mock offense.
"Excuse me, is that any way to talk to the person who is making you unpoisoned food?"
He looks to me "I wouldn't put it past you" he leans over to me and whispers loudly "should I be worried?"
She scoffs "as if I had the ability-"
"Oh you do" both me and my dad say at the same time
Mom grabs a wet soapy dish towel and throws it at us "that's what you get, now somebody please set the table"
Dad ran off saying he had work to do with to much joy in his voice leaving me the unlucky winner. Lucky jerk.

Eating was quick and quite, just enjoying each other's company.
Randomly my dad asks "Hey Jess you watching the time?" With a big grin on his face
"Wha- OH SHOOT I GOTTA GO BYE" she ran off and the rest of the table dwellers laughed. When the laughter eventually died off, I began to frown "I'm gonna miss her"
"I know kiddo but hey it's almost the weekend and I have a free day, maybe we can hang out and do some ay? What do you say?"
He had a brief look of panic before jumping up and dashing over "sorry sorry it slipped my mind - hey do your homework, I'll be back later!" And the door closed and away with the sound of a car engine. Left on my own now I pick up the dishes and head to my room. There's nothing overly special about it. I drop my bag on the floor and flop on my bed. Screw homework I'm tired.

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