Another quick A/N

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Update time!!!

I'll try not to make a habit of making these cause I myself find them pointless, yet here I am writing one. (Sorry for this nonsense)

I just wanted to say I'm actually kinda proud of how this story is coming together. Very few things I come up with, I'm confident enough to put out into the world. I never thought this would be something I would do in my life. I'm trying really hard to make it something to be proud of...

This is technically my first story I have ever really pursued creating. We aren't even at my favorite part. I wrote a chapter that's way in the future and is super long but we have to get to it. I guess maybe that's my main inspiration for writing everything that I am.

If anything is at all ever confusing I am very sorry, my mind is strange
Also sometimes the chapter names won't make any sense, I apologize for that as well....

As you can see I have posted 2 new relatively ok chapters that I think are pretty decent. I hope you enjoy and I will try and find my own motivation to write the next chapter. I can't guarantee when that will be, but I'm hoping that it WILL happen at some point. There is another story I want to try writing but let's just see where I get with this one first.

Thanks again for listening to this sad soul make excuses lol

Bye for now

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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