Chapter 1:The Beginning

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"Don't worry Cathy, I promise it won't hurt" I reassured her, holding my six year-old sister in my lap, swinging back and forth on a wooded chair that won't shut up.

"I am scared" Her hands twitching nervously, once I noticed, I grabbed them and held them tight.

"Cathy, everyone else has to when they come this age, you know that"

Where I live, the day the five year olds turn the age of six (yes, they all have the same birthday, as do I with my grade, the president thought it would be easier keeping track of birthdays), you get a tattoo that looks smiliar to a sun with a circle around the outside layer.

The reason for the tattoos are simple; if you (try) to run off, past the border, you will be tracked down by the guards who work for the president and be tortured, maybe even killed. Trust me if you had an option, choose death.

Most people in Clarents aren't poor, mostly because they have parents to provide them a stable house and some food. Not people like me. People who's parents were forced to serve in a war. A war that we lost. Our president didn't want us to leave because he used to be the most powerful president in the world. Once he lost, well, let's just say he wasn't as popular. If people started to leave, he wont have anything to rule over, and that's not what he wants. He wants to prove that he can be a the best president again. So he forced his remaining citizens to stay here, and on top of that, he made a new law in our country; no one can leave or enter Clarents.

Cathy was staring at my tattoo on my lower arm.

"Did it hurt?"she asked

"No,"I lied. "Just make sure you get it somewhere that doesn't hurt. Like your arm or ankle."

"Ankle...I want mine there."

"Ok, good choice. I am sorry I can't be with you, you know I have my class to go to, and at least you have your friend Margot with you, not to mention all your 30 classmates."

In elementary school, they give you a specific age your child has to be, like in other countries. But once you get into grade seven and higher, it's different. You get put into situation's where your group members of your science fair project are 5 years older than you.

I am in grade twelth and I am 18, is that a normal age to be in grade twelth? No one really knows.

"Come on," I say picking her and gently putting her down on the cold, damp floor "we are going to be late".

We are both already dressed into our dull school informs. You would think I don't like them, but I love them. If I to wear the clothes that I have to school, I would be an even bigger laughing stalk.

Mine is a white top with a blue bow on my chest, and a blue skirt that matches.

Me and Cathy's are quite alike, expect hers is red, and she has red tights to go with it, her blond gray hair tied in an soficdicated high ponytail, while my long light brown hair is down my back.

We grab our book bages off our small coffee table near the front door, and head out side. As I finish locking the door, I take Cathy's hand and start walking down the street.

There are no cross walks we just walk in a straight line towards our school. It is spring, thank goodness, but even so, there are no flowers, only yellowish green grass, and trees that still look like they need another year to blossum.

As I pass more houses even poorer than ours, I start to remember what happened when I first got my tattoo. My parents were still alive back then, they were there as I sobbed non stop, they encouraged me to be brave, and rubbed my back.

They died fighting in the war, it was traumatizing to hear from general that our parents died. Cathy sobbed for hours, I tired tried my best to confort her, stay strong like my parents have told me before, but as soon as Cathy was asleep, I cried for the whole night. I was so broken, I didn't know what to do.

As I broke out of the flashback by a nearby crow letting out his or her ugly call, I realized we we're already at the school.

I have to admit, the school is really pretty. It is a beige color with many colorful windows. It is about the size of all the houses of Relent (my town) combined together. It looks like it was grabbed out of a kids fantasy, and spray painted biege

They have a huge playground for the elementary kids, and a basketball court and a soccer field for us juniors.

I faced Cathy.

"Well, it's time for you to go, I will see you at the end of the day, have a good day at school monkey!" I gave her a big hug.

"Bye Mira!" She ran towards her friend Margot as they walked to they main entrance together while I stood and watched, wishing I had I friend like that.

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