Chapter 4: A Day at McDonald's

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Personally, I don't like McDonald's. I find the food fake, the only thing I would eat from there would be the fries, and I guess the ice cream is ok.

But once they stated that they were hiring, I forgot about my feelings for the food there are got a interview from who owns the store.

And I got the job, yay.

Anyway back to tell present time and day.

Usually while I work for three hours, I give Cathy an ice cream cone and fries (she loves dipping the French fries into the ice cream), and usually Cathy tells Margot to come and meet her there so she can have company.

While she hangs out with her friend, and take in your orders and call you when the food is done. Simple

I was just finished taking someone's order, a familiar face shows up. When Alik comes in to order something my face suddenly turns red.

"Well, if it isn't Mira". Alik said, his lips forming a smile.

My light blue eyes lock with his brown ones.

"Yeah it's me, hi Alik," I just about started a conversation when I realized I work here at he probably came to get something "Uh, what would you like to order?."

"Actually, just two cups of coffee, me and Carter are pretty thirsty."

"Uh, sure," I said typing a few things on the small computer screen "You can go sit at a table, or wait for your order in traffic line right over there" I pointed out the line across the store.

"Is it alright if I stay here and talk to you?."

"Uh, I am pretty sure, just make sure you don't get into anyones way, and if one of the employees come, act like your ordering something. And I thought Carter is waiting for you."

I could see he started to worry.

"I will just explain to him."


I can't believe he wants to talk to me. My heart was slamming against my chest, like it was trying to run away.

Thank goodness the crowd was pretty low, and no one came to ask for another order so we talked.

"So," I start "I take it basketball is your hobby or something."

He smiled.

"Yeah, it is, and you may not know this but I am on the basketball team in school."


"Thank you, what would be yours?."

 My normal frowny face turns into a more depressing frown.

"I won't be sure, I like creating stuff".

"Like in an artistic way?".

"No, like an inventor. I mean, yeah, people who live in non-poor towns like in Bellcourt have flying cars, moveable pictures, books that have read buttons that allow the books to read out loud, but it would be cool to create more. Imagine creating something to mankind, to make everyone happy, to make life easier, that's what I want".

He was in awe. His eyes her huge, and her staring at me this whole time while I was using these big hand gestures and with each word I said, my voice grew happy.

"Wow, you are amazing".

I quickly cross my arms.

"No I am not, I just have a big imagination".

Someone poked me in the back, I realized it was one of the employees, handing me Alik's two cups of coffee.

"Here you go, and that adds up to.. Three Fifty".

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