Chapter 2: Class Has Started

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As I walk into class alone, I take my seat, which is in the right in the middle.

Even though I have done this a hundred times, I still feel nervous.

I am always first in class, mostly because I can't stand the thought of being late, even arrive before the teacher does. Usually, before class starts, people usually go check there makeup, go outside to shoot a couple of baskets, or maybe finsh some homework they had no idea about. Well not me. Asides from being early, I like to be myself.

I look a around the room, taking consideration of the two black boards completely covered in math formals and corny math puns to help me during my assignments.

I stared at my math teacher Mrs Walkers desk. You would expect her desk to be all neat and tidy, ha, no. It is the messiest thing I have seen, expect for my hair when I wake up in the morning. It is completely covered in paper, and scattered with pens.

I looked outside the window behind the desk, eyeing the small little sprout in the playground. Bloom you flower, come on, grow into a beautiful flower you might become if you just try to be, I thought. I waited, staring at it, but nothing happened.


I flip through my black math binder, going over the formulas. Once I am sure I have memorizod them completely, I start to twirl my hair, it was curls on the bottom that I never really understood. My mom had straight brown hair and brown eyes, while my dad had short blond hair and blues eyes. Might of been from my Uncle's or Aunts, that is, I think I have Uncle's and Aunts.


As soon as I here that bell, I turn my head straight forward.

I hear foot steps, and from the corner from my eye I can see my classmates take the seat on my lift, right and back, and continuing the conversations they had outside in the hallway.

I can hear them talk behind my back, literally, but I got used to there tormenting.

"Why, is she always so yearly?" I hear Amber say.

"Because dummy she was no friends! Imagine how embarrassing it would be to be all alone in the hallways" Lisa explains.

"Yeah,.... No friends...." Brisa says, with a depressing tone.

"Shut up" they Amber said at the same time.

I hold back a groan the popular ones. I can take Lisa and Amber no problem, but I honestly can't stand Brisa. Brisa kind of girl who is popular, but is nothing compared to her two masters Amber and Lisa. She knows they don't like her, but she hangs out with them for  popularity and company. Girls  like that make me sick, I would rather have no friends at all then hang out Amber and Lisa, they probably just alternat talking about boys and clothing.

But I see why she is popular, most of the boys thinks she is gorgeous, with her flaming Auburn hair in a French braid, her huge hasel anime eyes, and her millions of freckles all over her face.

I told my head slitlu* to the left, and I can see Luruna. Now that is a girl I respect. She is one of the smartest kids in class, she is stunning to me, with her Raven black in a high ponytail, her empty gray eyes, and her ruthless face expression. I have never seen her smile before.

It is akward, being by myself like this, but I got used to it along time ago.

I could tell when the teacher walked in, she wears tell same high heels everyday, and they are louder than bullet. When she walked in, her long dark hair in a low ponytail flowing behind her, her brown eyes piercing through her cat shaped glasses that were almost as red as her lipstick.

"OK, OK everyone that is enough," everyone's eyes shot forward, if there is one thing that scares high school students is Mrs Walkers shoe she uses as disciplint.

"I hope you guys had a nice weekend" she lied " Now to start of class, lets-".

Before she could say another word, Carter hand shot forward.

Mrs Walker rolled her eyes.

"Yes Mr.Pine" she said.

"Sorry to interrupt this amazing introduction of yours" he said as he ran his hand through his hair, but than his smug little smile turned into a worried expression "But where is Jack?".

Just to inform you all, Jack is his best friend, or in other words his wing man. And by the way, it is a law that no matter the age of your child, they have to go to school, even if they are sick.

Suddenly, Mrs Walker wasn't annoyed.

Instead of answering his question straight forward, she ran to the window behind her desk, and shut the curtains, and did the same with the other windows in the room.

Once she was done, she took the chair from behind her desk and disabled the cameras in the room, but she did it in such so it would seem like a accident.

What is going on? I thought.

When she was done, she ran to the middle of the room, so everyone could hear, and for once, I was happy with my spot on the room.

She knelt down so she could be the same height as us sitting down.

"He tired to get past the border".

Every student in the room had there jaws wide open, not only because of the surprising and frightly shocking news, but we know that there was now chance he would have survived.

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