Chapter 5: Entering the Garden

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It never occurred to me that Brisa is a princess that lives in a palace, but now to me, she is one.

Sometimes I hear from Brisa's 'friends' that she is rich, but it never once crossed my mind that she is this rich.

To be honest, I still feel uncomfortable doing this. I don't even know Carter. Or Brisa and Luruna. And by trying to leave this country, everyone knows that you are asking for a death wish.

But honestly, if I had a chance, any chance whatsoever, I should at least try. For Cathy.

As I walked with my arms wrapped around my body for warmth, we walked through Brisa's garden which was the size of my neighborhood itself.

Apparently, there is a driveway to enter her house, but she insisted on taking the garden way, it was 'her favorite' way to enter her house.

But if it made her happy, who am I to judge?

And I could tell, she was walking the same pace as me, and I could see the smile on her face.

Her smiled tripled once we came to this couple of white trees that had these beautiful pink flowers growing on them.

"Wait!" Brisa spread her arms over me. "These are my favorite!!!"

She skipped toward the trees and gently plucked the biggest and pinkest flower on the tree, held it for a moment, then stuck it into her hair that was French braided down her back Elsa-style. I haven't seen someone this happy in while, guess it is easy to please Brisa. I like that in a girl. If only I was like that.

"Well, this is going to take a while." Carter said with a smile that darted towards Brisa who was circling the trees, her eyes grew to the size of plates.

I took a glance behind me to see what everyone else was doing.

Luruna was kneeling down, touching a white flower, her eyes full of curiosity.

I walked up to her.

"You like those? Those are called peonies. They usually come in white, red and pink" I said kneeling down with her.

She looked at me, half with glee, the other with annoyance.

I could tell that interested her, but she just didn't want to show it.

"Oh, are they now? And what would be your favorite?." She said crossing her arms.

I stood up and pointed to the flower that most caught my eye, this blue and purple flower.

"Those ones." I said "I recall the are called orchids."

It was really amazing being here, actually. In my side of town, grass doesn't even grow properly, let alone flowers.

But these are beautiful, there were combinations of colors I didn't even know the name of. The garden itself was like entering a tunnel, expect the tunnel was just out lined with medal, and woven across with vines.

Before I said anything else to Luruna, I took a small glance toward Alik and saw that he was staring at me. I looked away, alittle embarrassed and flushed.

"Okay," Brisa said as she walked toward her house "I am finished, let's go on are way again."

As we walked again through the garden, I really started to consider the beauty of it.

Everything what was anything was covered in flowers. It seemed like every kind of flower known to man was sprouting out of the ground, expect for the pavement that swirled around the garden.

Once me and everyone else reached to Brisa's actual home, it was like entering a fairytail. It was carved out of gold itself, and this beautiful white brick.

The windows had these beautiful scenes carved in it, like these cute love pictures of couples, and... Actually, all of these had these cute love scenes. Cute. I estimated the house had six maybe seven floors.
There were many statues connected to the palace and others just as decor, reminding me of an actual palace.

There was dozen stairs that lead to the two doors that were gigantic and had these beautiful carvings.

I was flabbergasted.

I didn't realize my jaw was lung lose until Brisa giggled.

"Do you like it?" Brisa asked, still giggling.

"Is that even a question? This is like a palace!."

"Well," she started to walk ahead, motioning everyone to start walking up the stairs, I rushed to the same pace as Brisa "when you live in place like this for nineteen years, you get used to it."

She knocked on the humongous doors and were opened immediately by an old man in a suit.

"Joffery!," Brisa said excitedly and gave him a pat on the back "Is Dad back yet?"

The man frowned.

"Sorry mistress," the man said, with a thick British accent "your dad won't be back for a few weeks."

Being next to Brisa, I could see her smile fade.

"Oh. That's.... Ok, that's alright!" I could tell at this point she just trying to keep positive, I respect that, maybe Brisa isn't has bad as I thought "Thank you Joffery."

I knew that Brisa's dad was the mayor, which meant he is also part if the council, but I didn't know he would be gone for a majority of the time.

I felt kinda...bad

As we walked through the palace doors one by one, the living room was just as extrodinary as the garden outside.

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