Chapter 3: Alik

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"So, how was your day Mira?" Cathy asked, skipping along beside me while we were on are way home.

Tramatizing. Honestly tramatizing.
I knew Jack, he was one of the only people I know who were kind to me. He was Carter's best friend. To think someone I knew so little would effect me so much. It's not like I liked him, but, he's dead. That's something no matter of thinking could change or effect.

"Uh... It was ok. How was your day?"I said, desperatly trying to change the subject.

"It was great, me and Margot played tag and it was fun, only she has to get faster because she is so slow!" She gave a cute girly giggle, when I finally took notice on how she looked, she scraped her stocking, and her hands were covered with dirt.

I didn't want to be a picky sister, but I had to complain.

"Cathy, why is your stocking ripped."

Cathy stopped skipping and bit her lip out of worry.

"Um, you see, a funny thing  happened...."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I tripped Mira! I didn't mean to!"

I went to her side, and stroked her head.

"I know, all I am asking is to be more careful, you know how long it takes to meld it back together."

"I know, sorry. Hey, Mira can we please go to the park before you go to work?"

"Of course."

She made a big smile and already headed to the park beside my job, her hair slowly escaping the band wrapped around her head, until the hair band falls off her head, her naturally blonde hair swaying back and forth as she ran toward Evergreen Park.

I have three jobs, one at McDonald's, one at the Public Library, and a part-time one at a Senior's House. What can I do? I need to feed my family and me, or in other words, me in my sister.

Once I finally catch up to her, I find that she is on the monkey bars, reaching out for the bar ahead she was on the last bar, then she climbs the ladder to reach the slide.

The park has a huge playground, that include a slide, monkey bars in every egde of the playground, a tic-tac toe game, and much more stuff I don't feel I have the energy to describe. It also had a water park for when it is summer, and a basketball court that two teenagers that are currently playing on right now.

I sit on the worn out bench, taking in some fresh air, when I realized that I was alittle cold (I get cold very easily). I brought out my dark brown jacket and wrapped it around my cold body. I gave Cathy one more glance then pull out my homework out of my school bag.

Before I could even start my math homework, I hear those two boys on the basketball court, dripping the basketball up and down the court over and over again.

At first I tried to ignore it, but the slamming of the basketball, and there constant feet racing up and down against to court was driving me to the edge of insanity.

I finally give up, I checked the huge tower clock across the street. I have five minutes till my work at McDonald's starts, might as well watch who wins: person#1 or person#2.

When I look up, I find that I do know these guys, Carter and...... What's his name.......... Alik! Yeah, Alik! I heard his name a couple times in the hallways before, but I have never really gave him a glance untill now.

He has dark skin, along with his dark hair. He seems fit, and from all the way over here I can see vibrant brown eyes. He is wearing a white tank top, outlined with green, with black shorts.

Carter on the other hand, looked the opposite of Alik. He had peachy skin and brown-blonde hair that is always combed back in little spikes. He never took off that grin he had on, that wild, and slightly intimidating grin.

But it wasn't Carter my eyes were glued on, it was Alik.

He was dribbling up the court, Carter tried to block him, but Alik moved out of his reach, jumped, and the ball went right through the hoop.

Carter groaned and gave him a boy punch on the shoulder. When Alik noticed I was staring, I blushed and shot my head down, pretending that I never noticed there presence.

But, they knew, of course they knew what was I thinking.

Before I knew it they were walking in my direction.

Oh cr-

"Well, if it isn't Miss Cove herself" Carter said, taking a bow.

"Yeah, it's me, hi Carter, nice seeing you here" I said, still not lifting my head.

"Oh, come on Amira, show us that pretty face of yours."


Sure I might be smart to some people, but pretty, I never considered myself pretty.

Ugh, play boys.

He took his index finger, placed it on my finger, and lifted my head.

My eyes went straight to Alik's. I always thought brown eyes were slightly plain (no offense) but his were gorgeous. It's starts of red, then it gets brown, to dark brown, to darker brown, to black. They are stunning.

"Uhh, so.... Who is this," I pointed to Alik.

You know that feeling when you never noticed this guy before in your life, and when you start to like him  you are like when were we on the same planet? Not that that applied to him. No. But just then I realized how stupid I sounded.

"I mean, I know you are in my class, and of course I know you, I just never really-."

Alik laughed.

"Wow, let's take our first meet alittle simple," he took out his hand that wasn't holding his basketball "As you may know, I am Alik Mandella."

I shook it glenty, then pulled away.

I hardened my glance, finally acting like myself.

"Well, as you may know, my name is Amira Cove, my friends call me Mira, at least they would if I had any."

Alik laughed again, his pure white teeth showing up.

"Well, Mira, it did you come here to do your homework, or to just enjoy the scenery?"

"Actually, no. I came here because my and my sister hang out her until my job starts at Mc's."

I gave a small glance at the clock across the street. The five minutes have passed. Panic suddenly washed over me.

"Speaking of which, the five minutes has passed already" I told them, packing my homework into my bag " I have to go "

I stood up, which was akward because Alik was right in front of me, so I stood next to him, really close. The second that happened, I shuffled to the right, and called Cathy's name.

Normally, she wouldn't have had come right away, but when she noticed these to boys near me, she came running, giving them the 'stay away from my sister look or will hunt you down' kind of look.

I grabbed her hand.

"Well, I got to go now" I gave them a slight wave, and ran to McDonald's, looking both ways before crossing the street.

"Will do Mira" called Alik.

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